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Guest culinist_merged

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Get her addicted to some RPG like Diablo II. Angry got me hooked on that game about 3 years ago when we first got together and slowly he has introduced me to the land of gaming. We just got back from a lan and I had more fun than he did, of course he was working most of the time and only got to play about 3 min ;).


Ah! momma, I've heard so much about you! I've read Angry's "your girlfriend/wife should read this" thingy on his website, and I got a kick out of it! My wife did too!


It's funny you mention Diablo 2, because we DID play D2 together. She wasn't too interested in getting new armor or doing the quests or anything, but she REALLY enjoyed playing a Blizzard sorceress... It seems she actually LIKED the level grind... We played D2 for about a year until we beat Baal so many times we could do it in our sleep...


I've tried other games with zero sucess. I figured I could get her into Guild Wars, but she's not quick enough for that game... (yes, I know you don't have to be very quick for GW, but trust me, she's not quick enough, we tried, and she ended up just running around). I'm thinking World of Warcraft would be too difficult for where she is now as well...


We had so much fun together played D2! I don't know why we can't find another game we both like. She tried playing Counter-Strike, but my brother was better when he was 4 years old... he actually understood the "mouse look" concept.


Hopefully when we get to Iceland and when Winter hits and we have nothing to do because we've snowboarded too much, she'll try computer gaming again! Here's to hope! ::raises glass::

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I totally know what you are saying about killing Baal in your sleep, I played that thing to death as well. A few other good RPGs that I like are Dungeon Siege I and II and Neverwinter Nights. The first FPS that Angry got me hooked on was Unreal Tournament and it was so easy to learn because all you do is spam until someone dies :). We have spent hours and hours playing it on the lan at home.


Its good to hear there are other women out there that are willing to try though.

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I wouldn't be able to play an FPS with her at this point. I get bored playing people that aren't on the same level (i.e. spent WAAAAY too many hours mastering the game...) as I am.


Some good news to report, however! My wife did say she would TRY WoW with me... It will be a grueling learning experience, but I'm on the WoW 14-day free trial now, and it's MUCH more fun playing with someone then soloing... I'll make her a healer or something... It'll go good with my warrior...


Have you tried WoW momma? (I feel wierd saying that...)

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I wouldn't be able to play an FPS with her at this point. I get bored playing people that aren't on the same level (i.e. spent WAAAAY too many hours mastering the game...) as I am.


Some good news to report, however! My wife did say she would TRY WoW with me... It will be a grueling learning experience, but I'm on the WoW 14-day free trial now, and it's MUCH more fun playing with someone then soloing... I'll make her a healer or something... It'll go good with my warrior...


Have you tried WoW momma? (I feel wierd saying that...)


Let her do the choosing... (if at all üpossible) get her inv... ehh right Uve allready succeeded and hopefully U know your wife a lot better then i do :dog:...


Its just that when ive played with my GFs its always been me adapting to whatever they want to do bc it was always easier that way :dog: And Im damn jealous of both A_G and U having someone to share your life AND your interests. (Im happy for ya as well but...)

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Me and my ex-girlfriend used to play games all the time together - even the racing sims. I set her up on the lan and loaded up Carmaggedon. We would race around smacking the civies and crashing in to each other. Ah the days....

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I have not tried WoW. We were supposed to get a free trial but our friend flaked on us. We used to play Eve which was a pay to play massively multiplayer in space. We sold our accounts for like $500 cause we just got burned out, but I would like to give WoW a try if a free trial rolled my way. I am totally addicted to Dungeon Siege II right now and its too bad that school started yesterday cause its starting to cut into my time ;).

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I have friends in my multi gaming guild (R`eaper) that would convince you otherwise, they're 100% addicted to the game again after cancelling subscriptions and swearing never to play the game again...


Ah the joys of hearing them bable about being a level 48 DORK!


Fetch me my beating stick I say!


- Angel :angel:

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Yeah, I gotta quit here soon though. I fixed the customer's problem - RAM timings set too tight by a 'insultant/consultant' without proper testing or regard to the other installed equipment - now running memtest without error. :)


Think I will heat-up the remainder of the turkey stew I made tonight and browse around some more before hitting the hay.

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Yeah, I've wasted (well, I wouldn't exactly say wasted, but my boss would) a good 5 hours of my work day here on these forums... I'm in the same boat as you!


Slashdot and Fark.com can't keep up with my internet habits. Neither can DFI-Street! :D I alternate between all three.

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