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New BIOS for INFINITY 8/16

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To enhance the support for AMD Sempron CPU.


I don't know why, but there is no LPb version.

This BIOS reads my CPU Temp correctly.

So, I think Oskar has done something more than support for Sempron.

Thank you DFI!

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I don't know why, but there is no LPb version.

The very last word I had was that there was ONLY a beta version of the Ultra Infinity. It seems once again that there is a problem with whomever is 'uploading' the DFI website or upload of LPb has not been accomplished yet or in other words; right this minute who knows. Speculation about something changing is nearly useless in my mind as there was NOT supposed to be any change from 6/19 that AG and I heard about.


LPb may not be uploaded as TW has been closed now for two days due to a major forking typhoon over there and with time zones it is Tues where I am but Wednesday sometime over there and TW will be closed on 'their' 25th date as well.


In the normal course of bios flashing logic for years there is no need to flash a bios unless it is reported to fix a problem you may personally have. The 08/16 says it is to enable support for 'semprons' and I do not have one and will not be flashing to 08/16 as far as I know. And certainly at this point I would be leary of the 08/16 as at 'my' last knowledge the 08/16 was in beta for UI boards only. So with typhoon raging and TW closed, I do not expect AG or myself to be able to obtain any information at all.


Sincerely, RGone...

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I know of no one who has a sempron to even test this one so to flash a bios for support of a chip you won't even use is pointless. If there were other fixes/enhancements along with that than fine, otherwise ill pass. These boards are too finicky flashing back and forth like we do.

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...exactly correct and about as to the point as I have seen written lately 'cantankerous' about willy nilly flashing.

Also....Ive been reading and reading and reading about procedures for flashing, and I've seen many different methods that have success for different people. Assuming I know nothing (which is always a good start for me) what is the best method to flash to a previous BIOS? Should I flash to an earlier official first? Are there any special switches I should use with awdflash? Is there any particular version of awdflash I should use?

That is a quote by 'Torzi' from the overclocking section. He is looking at the 04/29 and the 05/05 bioses and 'wondering'. I advised him to leave off wondering for safey sake. I have too many corrupted bioses from those two lovelies.


I have flashed a number of different ways and find differing results as he suspicions. I will NEVER try to explain the differences. It is too much of a must know something sort of thing.


DFI for all practical purposes never ever gave two fahts in a whirlwind about the stack of beta bioses as they were just that > Beta. Anything between the 'official' 11/27/03 and the 06/19 'official' are just so many bytes of code as it were. DFI in general at management and corporate level is only furnishing flashers and instructions for people flashing from the 11/27/03 to the 06/19 as those are official bioses. People actually who have made any stops in between or flash back and forth are on their own as it were.


Flashing to some 31 different bios levels has been a pain in the booty for me and many that did it. Flash forward and then backwards brought many strage symptoms without in many cases a removal of battery and leave the board alone for a day or two to get the CMOS finally clear. It happened and is why for joesixpack user> I never recommend any bios but the official ones. I don't find any bios that gives me on FSB more than another. Not in over 31 bios tries. And that is on 4 different boards so that is not just a one shot deal either.


NF3 is coming and I have done my best to get into print some of the few things that really tell a history of the NF2 DFI sisters. Sounsx98 did it with the 'warmod' chronology and I have written long posts about quirks in general again here lately. Why? NF3 is on the way. I will be taking NF2 down. Once you no longer fool with a setup> memory gets fuzzy and the overall picture fades of the previous setups. People need to learn to do the search feature> because shortly the 'top guns' and movers and shakers will all be moved on. Oh yes, due to the hype and anticipation of the 754 NF3 UT boards, you can expect a flood of even newer users. But they will be A64 folks and they will not be screwing with NF2 and surely will not be interested.


That is why I have written a goodly deal over the last two weeks. "Quoted" peoples question and then made answer. To prepare for the changes coming. I already know in the background the friends of mine going A64 and leaving NF2. I type this right now on A64. Love it too by the way with 2gigs RAM and NO problems. Again I have written too much but the handwriting is on the wall and I have been doing my best to put some information up for posterity as the playing field is fixing to change. Major big time change. Folks from all the world will be here that have not been seen before. Sempron bioses will be just a blip on the map is my guess.


The DFI sisters have been fun. They are fast when attented to correctly. Bad Fast is how I experienced it. It has been a fun ride but it is nealry a year long and in puterdom that is nealry 2 decades of life. HEheehehehehee. I have been doing my A64 homework and trying to tidy up the best data and information into print that I could manage so search can find the information. In a few days or weeks my focus will not be on NF2 if the NEW DFI rocket 754 is as good as it can be. Hehehehehehe.


Too much wind again but as history compiles, I may one day look back at this post and know what history was all about.


Sincerely, RGone....

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:mad: ...shett no man it ain't that one!!! Hehehehehe. A good one for putering yes, but deeyam shore not the one you wanting to hear bout. Dang it!!!


Ok for the others just got to flash 0816 for UI as there ain't no LPb that I see and don't expect none till the TIEphoon checks out over yonder.


Flashed the 0816 on my UI with Vmem mods and guess what? Same temperatures listed in bios for and at booting that I have seen for 4 months or so as I clean my fans regular. Same options in bios as ever in a 6/19 variant. And the final piece of information that means shett to me> Same BSODs at the same points in 3dmark2k1 as I always have when trying to run 3dmark2k1 @ 253x10.5. Iforkendental. Same shett as ever.


There is only one thing that I have noticed and might catch some of you olympic hopefuls in bios flashing> Awdflash 8.33 and 8.36E NO longer respond to the /TINY syntax command. "/tiny" has been a crutch to get a flash to take from way back in the awdflash series and up thru 8.30 BUT NO more. So remember that when you get into trouble as you are going to have to use a different syntax to get a hard to flash situation to flash. /tiny is NOT happening.


Now back to my 0fficial 6/19 and relaxing.


Sincerely, RGone...

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:confused: ...which side of the official DFI website did that "link" come from? Other than global english or North America? Must be because as of right this minute there is no official 0806 posted anywhere after I got in touch with TW yesterday afternoon (Mon) and told them the Diamond Flash was not working. They pulled the LpB and UI from the Global and NAm sites and it is not back up yet.


So my guess right this second with me 'not' familiar with all the various 'areas' you might be able to download from that you could still find it under beta at one location. But it is not even beta that I see in any normal site I got to from the UsA.


So it is possible that you might see it as beta in one place as they did not update a week ago when it "seemed" to go official and for sure it is not up anywhere that I normally download from in any capacity> beta or otherwise.


Will have to check with TW and see if I can get a line on what is transpiring.


Sincerely, RGone...

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