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Flashing the Bios Savior questions

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I'm new to the forums and new to DFI. Read alot of good things about these boards, so I retired my NF7 and bought the Infinity ultra 2.


I have a question about bios savior.


I installed my bios savior and created a bootable floppy with the 619 bios.

I flipped the switch to ORG.

Then when the puter starts up it goes through the boot up process then I get an A:

The directions for BS say to execute the bios flash utility such as awdflash (which is on my floppy) then enter.


How do I execute awdflash? Do I type: AWDFLASH N24ID619.BIN /F/QI/CC/Sn/Py


Then the directions say to enter a proper name in "file name to save". It is suggested to attach .bin to the end of the file name.


Would the name be Nf2IN619.bin?


Also, to flash the original chip to the new 619 bios. To do that do I just flipp the BS to RD1 then flash?


Then do I keep it on ORG when running my computer? If the bios has problems then set it to RD1 to reflash.


I know that these questions may sound silly, but I just want to make sure before I screw anything up.


Thanks for any help.:)

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:( not be any name at all because the 'blank' bios chip has NO file on it to save at all. So 'first time' flashing of a blank chip has no file to save at all. Simply type out the awdflash xxxx.bin space and followed by the / / / / that you had written and press the enter key and follow the on screen instructions and answer NO where asked to save file and go on and flash the RD1 as you suspected by moving the switch at the correct time. I never save the files anyway as I have all the bios files on seperate floppies ready to flash if I wanted to do so, which for me is not a thing I do much anymore after getting flashed to the 'official' DFI 6/19 anyway.


Sincerely, RGone...


PS: I normally just save old bioses under the name old.bin instead of trying to 'formally' name them.

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I executed the bios flash utility using awdflash.exe, pressed enter without typing anything in file name to program then selected yes.

I entered n24id619.bin in the "save current bios as" area. Dont know if I was supposed to enter anything in "file name to program". Couldnt use my arrow keys to get into the file name to program area. If Im supposed to put something there, how do I get the cursor up there. LOL


I think that Im supposed to put in n24id619.bin there.


But anyway it looked like it was working but then I received a "disk full or file error".


What does that mean?

I wonder if I need a disk with just the awdflash and the 619 bios on it. Right now I have a floppy with the boot stuff on it along with the awdflash and the 619 bios.



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disk full or file error ... either your disk is full or there is a file error ...


I entered n24id619.bin in the "save current bios as"


Dont know if I was supposed to enter anything in "file name to program".


I think that Im supposed to put in n24id619.bin there





This is common sense ... and like *nix people say: RTFM!


EDIT: the manual explains the flashing procedure really well ...

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1... set BS to ORG

2... boot to floppy

3... type " awdflash.exe n24id619.bin /f "

4... " N " do not save bios file

5... switch BS to RD1

6... " Y " to flash


try to reflash... I get "insert boot disk" a lot then reflash and it's gone... also check your HDD cables my sata cable was bad when I got the error one time...

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Originally posted by ClockMaster

1... set BS to ORG

2... boot to floppy

3... type " awdflash.exe n24id619.bin /f "

4... " N " do not save bios file

5... switch BS to RD1

6... " Y " to flash


try to reflash... I get "insert boot disk" a lot then reflash and it's gone... also check your HDD cables my sata cable was bad when I got the error one time...



I just tried that and I get a "file size does not match".

Any suggesitons?

Mabey I should download the bios and awdflash again.


Also, I did not set up sata. Does that have to be done?

I just read this.http://www.cybertechhelp.com/html/tutorial...orial.php/id/65


Sounds like I need to create a bootdisk and save awdflash and the bios on a seperate new disk.

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when you get file wrong size keep the switch on RD1 and at the A:> prompt again type" awdflash.exe n24id619.bin " no flags,,,be persistant it will take...


Also check that the 2 yellow wires are firmly attached to th BS... There are quiet a few out there that have loose wires...

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switch to RD1 when u get the A: promt, because if you start the awdflash utility BEFORE switching, it will wrongfully detect the correct BIOS chip (BS uses a PMC EEP-ROM, while the one on the mobo is Winbond) ...


fast steps:


1.) boot with bootable floppy which contain awdflash and the bios you want to flash.

2.) when DOS starts up and you get the "A:>" prompt, position the switch to the position of which chip you want to flash (RD1 to flash the Savior, ORG to flash the original switch)

3.) execute awdflash command

4.) do not save the BIOS!!! u don't need it ...

5.) when it is done flashing, leave the switch alone and press F1, remove the floppy, DO NOT SHUT YOUR SYSTEM OFF!!!

6.) When POST screen appears, press delete to enter BIOS, set settings as you want them, save&exit


DONE ...


NOTE: guys, I mean "come on" the flashing procedure is very simple ... read both manuals on flashing the BIOS and figure it out, this is common sense ... athough Franklin's "For common sense it sure isn't common" saying comes to mind (especially with one of my friends ...)


// Live long and prosper (those are fingers ...)

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Well, Ive tried everything. Yes it seems simple enought but it's not working for me for some reason. I just tried flashing the original chip without the bios savior to see if I may have had a bad BS. But that didnt work.


When I try your suggestions, I now receive the 2 error messages depending on whitch route I take.


"The program files part number does not match with your system"




"The program files bios lock string does not match your system"


Could it be the files that I downloaded?

I got them from kermit the frog over at pc perspective. His download did contain a nf7d24 file on it. But I didnt put that on my boot disk. I figured that was for the abit nf7.

Should I download the bios from the dfi website?


Sorry to be such a pain. This has me frustrated.

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