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XP-sp2 released for download

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I installed SP2 Monday evening and I have trying hard ever since to get it to screw up, but I haven't been able to. I noticed a very slight drop in internet bandwidth, but no lockups, blue screens or crashes. Install process was smooth and flawless.


SP2 looks good from my point of view...........:shake:

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I am a D**KHEAD , I did everything except the most obvious last.


Disabling Zone ALarm sorts the problem. apart from this problem i have nothing good to say bout sp2.


DEP "data execution protection" is a bit funny with some of my audio applications , but puttin them in the execption list sorts that one out"




sorry for the pooor qual on the image..


wonder how much resources DEP uses , does it have any negative effects ( when in software mode , like on our A XP`s )


Dee - "holds head in shame" , "and beats it off wall"


Forum - "joins in and and beats dees head off wall"

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:D ...a hoot today.

Dee - "holds head in shame" , "and beats it off wall"


Forum - "joins in and and beats dees head off wall"

So many days; I just feel like letting the whole neighborhood beat my head on something solid. Hehehehehehe.


Think I am going to pass on the SP2 puppy for a while. It most nearly appears aimed at those that had rather a beer and night out on the town than to buy a firewall. JoeSixPack personified it appears.


Found a list up thru July of all the 'critical' fixes for SP1/1a since the beginning and am only 2 months behind. Think that is the route I am going to go for the time being. Hale it is jus me.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Tried installing this SP2 and it says I have an invalid key or something.


How can it be invalid? I mean the keygen told me it was fine lol !


Looks like I might have to purchase XP this time.

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Originally posted by carpy

Tried installing this SP2 and it says I have an invalid key or something.


How can it be invalid? I mean the keygen told me it was fine lol !


Looks like I might have to purchase XP this time.


Tisk tisk tisk :rolleyes:


ANYWAYS my loss of connection to the network has started up again, first yesterday with a transfer of 300mb from the main LP rig to my other LP rig, and a few attempts to get a file from a friend through mirc lead to connection loss. Grrr this is . me off, just when I thought RealTek released some drivers to fix the problem, SP2 rolls around and fuxors it up again, then again maybe its a sign that I need to format. :O

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The good news: Since installing SP-2, AdAware, Spy Sweeper and SpyBot are finding virtually no adware or spyware on my system, so SP-2 must be doing something to block this stuff.


The bad news: Certain types of pictures (mainly .gif) on web pages aren't loading and displaying properly............:confused:

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All sounds quite scarey.


Is that MobyDock DeeJay?


Has Ahead released a fix for Nero yet?


They should have added a NAIL this RESTORE point to the wall option.... pinned, as it were.


Yeah, life on Corp license is nice, though my XPhome with all the upgrades over the years is a MUST CALL MSoft whenever I do a reinstall. So I get to talk to some indian goofball about my computer, and explain what/why Im reinstalling..... and I ask myself, self, WHY did you bother buying this in the first place if all they do is harrass me anyway? I have no answer for myself.


Guess the Chinese got too expensive, used to be 8hours USA, 8 hours China, 8 hours India. Now its 24hours a day India.


Im going to sell off my XPhome and XPpro retail OS's and stick to my corp license pro from now on.


Oh and... SP2 broke VirtualPC. No update/fix for that yet... and THEY wrote it :nod:


RGone, I have a complete list of the updates.... I keep a notepad with them and an explanation, so I can pick/choose what I need. So much crap they put out that you DONT need, I long since stopped installing them all. Just note the KB/Q numbers, and do the IT download for each to a "hotfix" folder. I especially dont want to have to connect to the net until AL the fixes are in nowadays with insta-virus's.


Have use autostreamer/patcher/nlite to make a SP1b-final, and stick to that for the main system till the fixes/workarounds are all fleshed out.

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I went ahead and installed SP2..


At First it installed well.. but when it Restarted and started to boot up windows again, my computer would keep restarting.. I took me a while to solve this.. and When it booted up it gave me random BSODs


My friend suggested me to download the Sil 3114 SATA Raid drivers from Windows XP Update Site..


That fixed my problems.. everything has been running smooth..


I slipstreamed SP2 to my WinXP SP1a CD.. with a different guide from the one provided here..


Anyways Like the new Firewall and Pop-Up Blocker.. and everything else seems smooth..


I haven't done any benchmarks yet, but if anybody has done some..


Please post Results from SP1a and SP2 :)



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It is Yz Dock , Quite hard to find now, i love it... check this desktop screenie with it and my shell32.dll icon hack and a nice silver plex theme with the shell of a osx theme .. looks cool ha. pitty i cant use this shell32.dll with sp2..


Nero Works Perfect for me aint had any problems with sp2 yet, apart from my firewall blocking i.e downloads.. so dat was my fault anyways..



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btw, the so called "firewall feature" in routers is actually a bug ... because if you don't specify the port, then your connection is refused ... what if you have several servers running different services/daemons??? be careful where you forward each port, not to confuse them ...

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