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My LanParty NF2 Rev B arrived 10 minutes ago!!!

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Uhhh yeah I know no big deal to YOU





To me :D its a very big deal, ahhh talk about good timing I just got out of bed (4:30pm) ;) And what do I find, yeah that right...



A nice cuppa cold tea my sister made me in the morning, heated it up in old microwave, no sooner than that does old courier dude come n drop off my goodies along with my 2500+ mobile barton.


Its bliss, just sipping my lurvly tea and made a rolley outta the dregs of my tobacco tin and eyeing up the board.


1 question tho...


Who's that geek on the front of the box!!!! :eek: just hope my mates don't see.



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ya gl...


I just got my UI in last night.. now I gotta start clocking it up ...


I was amazed at all those dam bios features..lol I think I hurt my jaw when it hit my desk after I got the to memory timings page..lol

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Uhhh yeah I know no big deal to YOU




its a very big deal to me. else you wouldnt have this page to post on about your excitement.


now...before you start believing these other two jokers, know that I only hawk cigarettes to 10 year old kids




now excuse me a moment while i go have an 'eastern dialect' with these two above



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:D ...don't go riling up no AG, please!!!


You don't want him donning his cape and sneakers and starting to fly around like.


Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. See he ain't never recovered from the sexdroid9er robot episode yet and the pills can only take care of just so much strain. Hehehehehehe.


Sincerely, RGone...1ster>:shake:

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I'm well chuffed.....now at least!


man talk about hasstle :O


Ok so the board arrived, I set to work on the old box, I thought I might as well pull everything out n start from scratch....so after about oooohh let me think 4 hours of fiddling and perfecting my cable tidying skills :) I switched on the old bugger, worked 1st time!!! normally I've forgotten some switch or sumin alls gud so far....


Then!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:


I get a message saying floppy error, turns out my floppy drive had messed up in the 3 months it has been sitting in my cupboard, and since I'm using to SATA maxtors i was stuffed!!!


**OMG** what a let down, had to wait till this afternoon to get a new one, got it in there. set up windows etc etc etc...


Now here I am after a couple of hours of tweaking (updated to lates sata drivers, latest official bios, chipset drivers n all that) n havin a general cleanup of the windows tat along with SP2 install.


I've got some clocks that I'm pretty pleased with...well very pleased actually


got the 2500+ to...


206x12 = 2470mhz


pretty tight timings for my ram at 11-3-2-2 (its 2x356mb twinmoss with twinmoss chips).


been trying to get 2500mhz, not quite managed it yet, it seems to want alot of volts for it and then it gets too hot after a few mins in prime 95.


Anyways, a couple of figures which I'm really chuffed with, b4 in 3dmark200SE I was getting 17500


now I can get 19500, thats brill considering its basically only been a slight upgrade.


Also went n got a logitech mx700 mouse (yeah waste of money I know) :P


So if you bothered to read down this far of my post you'll know I'm a happy DFI CHUMP


cheers to everyone (until I start getting problems which always happens cos I push things too far :))




on a side note, those pics are mad!!!




hehe sellin ciggs to underaged kiddies :nod:

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dont make me bring this guy...he's a very mean hockey player...that thing on his nose is from a straight stick slash to the face...got back up and kept playing hehe. Tough SOB.


our boards are as tough as this guy! so is RGone for that matter. Rgone would prolly whup this guy.

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