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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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Originally posted by nebuchanezzar

OK this is a stupid question but how do I get my new toaster on my posts? I thought hosting it on uploadit but it only takes jpg not bitmaps. I've never bothered trying to make one or use one anywhere else either so it's all new tome. thanks for any help

I've never used uploadit.... so I don't really know about that. I will keep them hosted for a while it you want to link to them while you find your own spot to host them.

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Originally posted by nebuchanezzar

OK this is a stupid question but how do I get my new toaster on my posts? I thought hosting it on uploadit but it only takes jpg not bitmaps. I've never bothered trying to make one or use one anywhere else either so it's all new tome. thanks for any help

Actually, KoN's sigs are jpg or gif( if animated ) so bitmap shouldn't have come up.....unless you saved it that way.

Anyway these are two "Free hosting" sites I use.



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Ok Tried saving them to paint first and now JPG is the format. so if the sig shows up its good to go if not I need directions for dummies. By the way I used the i m g tag in this attempt. OK partial success but saving it to paint musta caused the bs sizing. ARG back to the paintshop

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