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Matrix Reloaded

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in the teaser for revolutions, morpheus says "he fights for us" i think everyone asumes he's talking about neo, but since, we found out about the whole "the one" thing not being everything we thought it was, could he be talking about smith? just something to think about. we'll have to wait and see.

and smith also said to neo that "u set me free" hmmm, we might be on to something.

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In the game for the Matrix they have extra footage that explains the story with Niobe(SP?) and Ghost and the things they are doing that are not shown in the game.


Well in one part you see a scene that was filmed where Niobe(again sp?) speaks to the Oracle. The Oracle says that Neo is stuck between the "real" world and the machine world. It is kind of interesting.


But like before their are still unanswered questions. I am leaning toward the theory of two matrixes.


One of the questions I have is if the Oracle is a computer program, then how would she no that Neo was not able to sleep outside the Matrix? Agent Smith was able to go to the "real" world. Zion was destroyed more than once.


I also think Neo is a little different/more powerful then the other "Ones". The french guy was amazed that Neo could stop bullets.

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I saw the trailer like 50 times b4 I even saw the movie

cause I clean theaters when the movies are done....


a lot of ppl think the real world is a matrix but I dont think

thats true, just cause of that one part which I wont mention

because ppl will get mad for me ruining it....


I think everything is a setup up until now and everything in

the matrix was supposed 2 happen the way it did up until

Neo made the choice.... prophecies etc I think were to preoccupy

them all into believing something so it would be easier for them

2 put all their trust into the cause and not think twice....


as for smith, I think what he's really after is to kill Neo because

I think that's what he was written for.... I think maybe the reason

he can do the stuff they showed in the trialer of revolutions is because

he is gonna be human (the guy he took over).... cause if he can do that

stuff they every one of his clones can too and they'd own on neo

if that's how it goes.... (humans outside the matrix can break the rules,

thus now he can....)


just some of my thoughts....

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  • 2 weeks later...

w00t! my friend just hooked it up w/ a copy... he says

it's dvd quality (meaning it's a dvd rip of a oscars voter or someone

else w/ hook ups, or it's just a really good screener copy) but dono yet...

it's 3 cd's so that's almost a gig and a half if each file takes up the

whole cd! but I doubt each file is over 500mb's.... anyway

I'll let ya guys now what it looks like when I get home (these

workstations suck and have no cd-rom's...)

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