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24C at idle with tx-2 thermal paste :D :D


Everything is looking real good. Sense my 8800gt has yet to come in im just going to install windows xp for now. I'l post a new post when i start to oc her :D

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nope... canon a560... its horrible at taking up close pics like that... I told my mom to get a different one but she wouldn't listen to me. Ah well


but what do you guys think of my temps?


my TRUE is paired with a KAZE fan

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Ok so i got prime95 running and my temps are 51 52C on both cores load!


I dont think this is right thou because my bios says 24idle and speedfan and coretemp say 43 idle O_o


Realtemp is saying im 41 max load...


What should i go by? i really dont want to be guessing when im ocing..

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easytune6 by gigabyte is showing 31C load! I think im going to go by what easytune says sence non of these programs are showing accurately. Unless anyone here has any objections.

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Not sure which one is correct but here are my temps on the quad at full load with Realtemp, easytune, and coretemp... This is also a lapped cpu and TRUE with a medium speed fan. By looking at my temps I may need to remount the TRUE someday...



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