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Water Cooling Setup.

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Its a tight fit, its hard to get it on plastic fittings or barbs, if you use all metal fittings and barbs its not to hard if you got a little muscle. Some people have to put the end of tubing in hot water to get it on....


Alright, well I'll figure out something. Rather be safe than sorry even if it takes a little more elbow grease lol.

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Alright, well I'll figure out something. Rather be safe than sorry even if it takes a little more elbow grease lol.


I think the thermaltake hose that I am using is the same sort of tight fit deal as this 7/16 to 1/2 thing. What I have to do is spit lube the plastic fitting a little before pushing the tubing on. if I don't there is no way I can get the hose all the way onto the fitting. I use a q-tip to make sure non of my "natures lube" gets onto the inside of the fitting... lol.

Edited by Uh8meDoncha

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I think the thermaltake hose that I am using is the same sort of tight fit deal as this 7/16 to 1/2 thing. What I have to do is spit lube the plastic fitting a little before pushing the tubing on. if I don't there is no way I can get the hose all the way onto the fitting. I use a q-tip to make sure non of my "natures lube" gets onto the inside of the fitting... lol.

It is best to use hot distilled water and dip the end of the tubing in it where you do not have who knows what growing in your loop. The only ones I had trouble with where the plastic barbs, I got all metal barbs now and they are lot easier...

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It is best to use hot distilled water and dip the end of the tubing in it where you do not have who knows what growing in your loop. The only ones I had trouble with where the plastic barbs, I got all metal barbs now and they are lot easier...


Yeah probably.. lol. I have drained and refilled my loop so many times trying different liquids that I doubt there is anything growing in there. Too many anti-life chemicals in the mixtures.

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Just been looking around at other CPU blocks, lots of reviews saying this and that about the D-tek, are there any better waterblocks than the D-tek? (Price isn't a factor)


Edit: Which pump is better?






And why?

Edited by Gr4vitas

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Just been looking around at other CPU blocks, lots of reviews saying this and that about the D-tek, are there any better waterblocks than the D-tek? (Price isn't a factor)


Edit: Which pump is better?






And why?

In a very restrictive loop with multiple blocks the DDC2 18w may perform better since it has so much more head pressure. I would stick with your first pump though if you plan on staying just the cpu block.


The EK Supreme waterblock is a bit better then a stock fuzion, but a nozzled fuzion and ek supreme perform about the same, within 1-2c of each other. Both are very restrictive, so in multi-block loop make sure the pump is up to the task with either.

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In a very restrictive loop with multiple blocks the DDC2 18w may perform better since it has so much more head pressure. I would stick with your first pump though if you plan on staying just the cpu block.


The EK Supreme waterblock is a bit better then a stock fuzion, but a nozzled fuzion and ek supreme perform about the same, within 1-2c of each other. Both are very restrictive, so in multi-block loop make sure the pump is up to the task with either.



Alright, well for now I'm only going to be running the CPU on the loop, however in the future I do plan to put my GPU under water too. However I may just run a second loop for my GPU and also cool my chipset on the second loop. That'd be a little less complicated than adding a bunch to my current CPU loop.

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Hello, my setup is similar to that, except I was not going to get ripped off with the lame CPU industry pumps, which are overpriced 300%.


Go to the pet store, get a 1200LPH, powerhead pump for $21.99 thats smaller, and just put it directly under the liquid in the res. That res is not that good, its too small. I made my own from plastic and silicon, like a little fish tank, and sealed it shut with the pump in it.


My E6750 does 3904 MHZ, at 1.5Vcore @ 35 C under full load.


I have the same radiator and coolant you do, except I have an Apogee Aqua Extreme 05 CPU block 1/2". Which I tested to 5C lower temps than the Dtek one there.


Get this pump:


See model 1200. 22.95. All these CPU pumps are such a rip off, not even close. Plus this pump goes UNDER the liquid so it makes 0 noise. Its no contest.





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Hello, my setup is similar to that, except I was not going to get ripped off with the lame CPU industry pumps, which are overpriced 300%.


Go to the pet store, get a 1200LPH, powerhead pump for $21.99 thats smaller, and just put it directly under the liquid in the res. That res is not that good, its too small. I made my own from plastic and silicon, like a little fish tank, and sealed it shut with the pump in it.


My E6750 does 3904 MHZ, at 1.5Vcore @ 35 C under full load.


I have the same radiator and coolant you do, except I have an Apogee Aqua Extreme 05 CPU block 1/2". Which I tested to 5C lower temps than the Dtek one there.


Get this pump:


See model 1200. 22.95. All these CPU pumps are such a rip off, not even close. Plus this pump goes UNDER the liquid so it makes 0 noise. Its no contest.







Those pumps may be cheaper but there not made for liquid cooling a pc, they can be a LOT loader and can produce some serious heat. As for the cpu block everyone swears by the Fuzion every where I look. So I'm pretty dead set on that.

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Those pumps may be cheaper but there not made for liquid cooling a pc, they can be a LOT loader and can produce some serious heat. As for the cpu block everyone swears by the Fuzion every where I look. So I'm pretty dead set on that.


Are you kidding? Not made for watercooling a PC? Dude, they can be submersable OR out in the air, and are just as quiet. If you think because its 1/3 the price, and used on a fish tank its not the same thing, your confused and just completely fooled by the CPU cooling companies that want you to believe that. I can assure you, its the same damn thing.


Here are some serious reviews of every water block for your research.



That one is funny, it has a picture of a fish tank pump for the high end watercooling setup, because the ones the CPU companies sell is low end. LOL



THAt last one is MUST HAVE. You can design your system perfectly using that table. And LOOK the best system has what? a Fish tank pump. LOL


Take into account, you need a stronger pump the longer your hose is. Many people have 4+ feet in their systems. When you hook up a pump with so many feet, using coolant, the flow rate is more than cut in half, so you need a strong pump for best effect. Use that last link to figure it out.


And please, stop making us laugh with the fish tank pumps were not designed for water cooling CPU's. lol. Comedy.


Fuzion is good, I have 1 fuzion block, and 1 aqua extreme block. Its good.



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I wouldn't buy a generic random fish tank pump...


Laing and Iwaki make industrial pumps amongst 100s of other industrial products... if Maxi-Jet works for you, good... I find that industrial pumps are much less susceptible to leakage from housing faults (cracks/seams) and barb threads/seals, compared to aquarium or garden water pumps

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