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Vista Hates Overclocking


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Ok for some reason my overclocks are 100% stable in XP but when I use vista I constantly get the blue scren like what the heck :huh:

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when i tried to point this out they blamed my overclock...

i still blame Vista.

I let orthos run for actually like 25 something hours, there is no way that is not stable

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they will tell you it is not Vista stable...

therefore unstable.

i just got tired of typing... :lol:

Vista still sucks in my opinion and i only run it to use CrossfireX.

a lot of people cannot realize the fact that is just hasn't caught up to XP yet.

before you guys go off on me...

this is my opinion and you cannot change it.

only seeing actual performance in Vista will do that.

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they will tell you it is not Vista stable...

therefore unstable.

i just got tired of typing... :lol:

Vista still sucks in my opinion and i only run it to use CrossfireX.

a lot of people cannot realize the fact that is just hasn't caught up to XP yet.

before you guys go off on me...

this is my opinion and you cannot change it.

only seeing actual performance in Vista will do that.

Hopefully Cat 8.4 will give XP support?

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Ok for some reason my overclocks are 100% stable in XP but when I use vista I constantly get the blue scren like what the heck :huh:

Refer the the thread about saving XP. It is pretty well known that Vista hates OC's and is still not at the performance level of XP.


No news yet on if the service pack for it fixed any of its issues or made new ones.

Hopefully Cat 8.4 will give XP support?


I can only hope...I have my new build planned and will most likely go that route, if not initially they soon down the line. I REALLY do not want to have to "upgrade" to vista for it...

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I dont use Orthos for stability testing in Vista. I use the multi threaded prime 95. I think it is version 25.5. I have no issues overclocking in Vista. In fact the highest stable overclock on my Q6600 came in Vista.

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I didn't have any trouble OC'ing in either OS. Vista is touchier, but if you can get it to crash in Vista I'd put good money on the fact that I could get errors in XP at the same clocks.

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