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I need suggestions on a good video card w/c block please!

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ok so I have 2 radeon hd3850's, I do not want a full coverage block. I know that the hole mounting pattern is the same as the x1950gt and probably the x1800 series and up, because I have a passive block I used for my x1950gt and the holes line up exact. I've been looking around but just dont know what the best block would be?? Is the dtek block any good?? or the swiftech?? anyone have first hand experience with a nice block and can maybe post a link?? just remember that it is a crossfire setup so there is not a lot of space between cards.

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well the Ice-Q's that I have come with a 2 piece ramsink/voltage sink combo so I don't nee the ramsinks although I do have enough for 3 cards if I need them


well the Ice-Q's that I have come with a 2 piece ramsink/voltage sink combo so I don't nee the ramsinks although I do have enough for 3 cards if I need them

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The fuzion block is very restrictive on flow. I would recommend the swiftech mcw60. Be sure to get some ramsinks also, petras has some pretty cheap...


Edit: Pictures

OT, but are those front intake fans San Ace's,Tornados or something else? I am looking for some ~32mm+ fans with more CFM then the San Ace case fans but not as loud as the tornado.

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OT, but are those front intake fans San Ace's,Tornados or something else? I am looking for some ~32mm+ fans with more CFM then the San Ace case fans but not as loud as the tornado.

I have two Sunon 120 X 38mm 110 cfm blowing across the video cards. Those other two are just medium speed around 60 cfm 120mm X 25mm fans, a yate loon and sythe...

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AGAIN new cards? :blink: The 8800GTS's will be better than Crossfired HD3850's though...


I absolutely HATED those Gts's I thought they were complete garbage! All in all my Nvidia experience has not been very good so I cut my losses and sold them and bought 3 3870's which if you ask me are just as good as the gts's but more reliable. and the reason I don't want a full coverage block is because I find them ugly and they cost way to much for how ugly they are, just my opinion.

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