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ac air filter over fans


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i did not enjoy spending my sunday cleaning up the computer. it so long to get the dust out of every corner. the psu was even more annoying to air clean. this is what i am thinking, would it be BAD if i put some of that plastic filter they have for ACs over my fans? i'm not sure how hot my components will become if i do that, and i'm not even sure if it will be worth it. yes, the filter would trap most/a lot of dust, but also restrict airflow.. hmmm

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It will help keep the dust out to an extent but unless you 100% seal your computer you will get dust in it...


It will definitely curb your dust intake but it wont eliminate it completely, I would just give it a light dusting twice a month and call it good.


If you do use some sort of filter a mesh filter would be best, you should reevaluate the position of your case as well because having it closer to the floor will increase the dust intake immensely...

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i got filters over my fans, and lets say you wouldnt be able to see into the clear case without them, its a eye saver. without the a filter you can feel the pull of the air with them, well not so much, you'll just have to get fans to pull alot of air but thats gonna be loud.

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