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yeah 450 is 1800 Quad Data Rate (QDR)... I run 1825 atm, so it's 456.25 MHz base clock, with the memory sync'd it runs at the same base clock of 456.25... the Double Data Rate (DDR) would be 912.5

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Right ok,


So I understand all the CPU bits now.


Moving on, I have OZC SLi Cert. 2GB of ram. I think its rated for 1066 Mhz.... what does that mean in real money? That I can take my FSB to 1800, have the RAM @ 912.5, and it will still be within limits?


Sorry for all the questions! Thanks for the quick & detailed responses.

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Right, tried some Overclocking tonight.


First off went with a change of the FSB from 1333 to 1555, which at 1.39 volts (set in BIOS) This booted fine. I ran SuperPI, AquaMark 3 & 3Dm06. All passed and got better scores (14.xx s, 171xxx, 10,xxx scores)

I then moved the FSB up to 1801, and suprise suprise no post. Then moved it down to 1777. Still no post. Moved voltage up to 1.40 and set FSB @ 1645. This booted fine. Also ran the 3 above benches fine.

I then tried OCCT, which failed almost instnatly. I restarted and moved the voltage up. It kept failing till I hit voltage of 1.46 in Bios (Was @ about 1.40-1.43 under windowS) but it still kept failing.


I was doing all this with Unlinked RAM. So I tried setting the RAM to Linked, and set the FSB to 1600 (this put the ram @ bout 1000) voltage as still at 1.46 This booted fine, but again OCCT crashed within 1 minute.


I have reverted back to stock for now.


Whats the next step? How do I get up to 4.0Ghz? Is it even possible with this board/CPU comob? Should I carry on upping the voltage/FSB till it passes OCCT? Should I OC using a Linked or Unlinked method?


Thanks Guys!!

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How far should I take them? Currently my NB & SB is passively cooled? Should I get the Fan that came with the board out and use that? Or will it be ok without it?


Thanks for the replies!!!

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Right done some more overclocking:



Set the CPU voltage to 1.51 (droops to about 1.45 under load)

Set SPP Voltage to 1.5

Set RAM voltage at 2.1


Set to Unlinked and set bus at 1601

Set RAM at bus 1001


Ran OCCT for 1 Hour and passed. Max temp was 66 C on both cores. Averaged around 63.

Idel temp of 33.


Ran 3D Mark 06 got 10,093 and ran SuperPI 1M and got 14.4 Seconds. Ran AquaMark 3 and got 176,000


What do you think?? I tried to take it to 3.7GHz and it was a no go. Failed OCCT after 1 Min 4 Seconds of OCCT.


Any chance of getting this to 4.0Ghz?? I dont know what other settings to adjust other than increase Voltage more, but 66 C seems just about ok for me.

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Been trying to OC some more, but cant seem to get anywhere :(


Anywhere above 1610 is unstable and anywhere above 1650 wont boot.


I dont really want to take the voltage any higher. It gets pretty hot under OCCT load (60-65 C)


Any other tips for getting this to 3.8 - 4.0 Ghz?



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Been trying some more, and cant seem to get more out of this chip :(


I am not sure what other settings to tweak?? Even though my RAM is rated to run @ 1066, if I run it at 1066 it is unstable. Infact, anything above 1000 is unstable. However, no matter what I set the RAM at, I cant seem to get the FSB higher than 1610~



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:( :(


Last night while playing CoD4 I started to get system lock ups. (System froze 3 times. Hard reset each time)


So today I ran some more OCCT and it failed after 52 Mins with CPU too hot error. I then decided to seat the Cooler, and cleaned up the rest of the case, and it helped nothing.


I have been trying to take the OC down abit, took the voltage down and then FSB, but nothing seemed to be stable.


Back at stock now. I think either me, my chip or my motherboard are not cut out for this! :(

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