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E8400 Overclocking On DFI Blood Iron


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I personally wouldn't call 30M OCCT and 32M SuperPi stable, but it's up to you what is acceptable really.

I realise that it is unlikely you'll get a situation in normal usage where you'll approach the levels achieved in stability testing for long periods.


That is the reason why you do it though (at least in my eyes). So that you know it can handle anything normal usage will throw at it.

I've certainly had clocks stable at 30M OCCT and fine in SuperPi that have thrown up problems in gaming sessions.


I'm aiming for 12-24hr Prime stability for a rock solid final OC, then I'll throw some other tests at it as well.

Edited by jammin

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lol....road runner are you doubting me?

Not doubting you, I just keep seeing these 4.4Ghz stable posted everywhere and I have not seen nothing but Superpi screen shots in the 775 competition thread. I know if I had a 4.4Ghz OCCT it would be posted there also....

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well i will be sure to do that as soon as i get home after i clean my tuniq tower again and reinstall it because i lapped it last night



excuses excuses :glare::glare:......................................just kidding man :lol:



But anyways when I see some screen shots I will believe you

Edited by QueenzPCfreak90

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lol....road runner are you doubting me?



I'm doubting you, I'll just come right out and say it.

Super-pi 32 mb is nothing called stability, It's a memory test for the most part.

And I sure as hell know that If I had a 4.4 ghz OCCT Stable screen shot, I'd be posting it. but despite numerous requests. I have yet to see anything.

which makes me believe that it's crap.

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Anywho, trying not to get side-tracked.




Seems pretty stable at 3.6, so time to see if I can move it up a bit without bumping the voltage.

As I said, taking it slow and steady. :)

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do you notice any kinda lag when you are overclocked. Like I just got to 4.0 ghz and passed OCCT and 3 hours orthos, which isn't alot I know. But Windows seems to be really slow.

It could be due to the fact that I am running on a 1 gig currently because of a stick of ram dying...

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Can't say I've noticed any lag, no.


Pretty much the opposite in fact, things have a bit more zip to them (though that could just be perception).

Edited by jammin

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here is a screenshot at 4.3....shadowfactor just because your E8400 isn't running right doesn't mean u have to hate on mine....if you have forgotten we are ALL on the same team here..especially with the warz right around the corner.



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Indeed, encouragement it what is needed here.


I see that cpu-z is reporting 1.52v, which is a bit higher than I'm comfortable with.

How much are you giving it in the BIOS?


It seems that mine is going to need a little more voltage to move up from 3.6. I would have been impressed if it had gone higher without any more really.

Anyway, I'll be doing more fiddling later on.


One thing that I'm not sure about (and something that seems common with E8400s), and that is temperatures. Different software tends to vary quite a bit with readings.

Coretemp reports 39/44c at idle, Smartguardian is more like 18-20, the Rivatuner c2d plugin 35/40. I'm not at all sure how accurate any of those are.

Edited by jammin

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um...jammin i think its set to like 1.650Vcore or something like that but you have to remember that im still have ALOT of issues with my bios along with alot of other ip35 pro users so nothing is really accurate at all. my temps still say like 245C on the cpu..lol so thats why i just go by CoreTemp....my E8400 at 4.3 99.95% load on OCCT the max temp i saw was 69C some say thats REALLY hot but i still think it could handle 75C at full load without any problems. i'll crank it up a little more tonight to get shadowfactor a OCCT at 4.4 so he'll stop calling me a liar. actually now that i think about it 3.6 is the highest i could go on mine too at stock voltages..after that i bumped it to 1.3 and went from there. all of my memory timings are also still on auto so i can still play around a little there if needed....

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