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Loss of overclock


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i recently clocked my cpu to 3.1ghz but whenever i reboot, sometimes it goes down or back to 2.4ghz. is this due to the voltage settings? mine is on auto now. ive return things to the original to prevent damage... need help. thanks

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But...what "could" be happening is when some systems boot up with an unstable OC, it will revert to stock settings......



To expand on what exeter said... Did you do any testing at 3.1? Is it stable there?

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i wouldnt leave the voltage settings on auto, set them to stock and only increase them if you need to.


And has this overclock been properly tested? when i overclock too far and my computer fails to boot it will return the cpu to stock speeds automatically and yours might be doing something similar (dunno about reducing the overclock though lol)


::edit:: 3 posts in 2 mins, nd we come to same conclusion lol ;)

Edited by Comp Dude2

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i wouldnt leave the voltage settings on auto, set them to stock and only increase them if you need to.


And has this overclock been properly tested? when i overclock too far and my computer fails to boot it will return the cpu to stock speeds automatically and yours might be doing something similar (dunno about reducing the overclock though lol)


::edit:: 3 posts in 2 mins, nd we come to same conclusion lol ;)


i did 2hrs of orthos >.< well i dont understand abt the voltage settings can someone explain?

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i did 2hrs of orthos >.< well i dont understand abt the voltage settings can someone explain?

Generally, when people start overclocking they stop using "auto" settings and start doing things by hand. You should really be setting the voltages to the exact values you want, even if it's only for your own understanding.


Also, 2 hours is pretty stable, but I really think you need to run a good 24 hour testing session to be 100% sure. Also, I'm not sure that Orthos can test all four cores at the same time. I think I read that a newer version can, but even then you'll want to check and make sure you've got the right one. Or switch to OCCT which can definitely test 4 cores.


Either way, the first logical guess at your problem is stability. So set your settings manually to where you want them and then do some solid testing. Get a testing software that will run 4 cores at once, and then test for 24 hours (or at least over night and while you work (~18hrs for most people)).

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I like occt it just flat out tells you if it's stable or not. also what mobo do you have? that can tell us if you have the overclock recovery or not, but most of them now have them.

he has a GB x38 DQ6, im sure it has oc recovery.

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Did you disable all of the fun CPU stuff...C1E, CPU TM Function, SpeedStep, etc...


Dont know where you were getting the 3.1 and 2.4 GHz readings from (CPU-Z) will display the wrong speeds if those options are not disabled

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