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Intel TIME!


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Hey guys. It's been a long time coming but it's time for me to start picking up some of my parts for my first intel rig i'm going to build. Below is a listing of the parts i've selected but none of yet have been ordered so any and all advice/comments are welcome. The only part I do now know about yet is the processor because I'm just like alot of other people are waiting for the penryn's to come out.... anyway I have pretty much everything picked out.


CASE- Thermaltake Kandalf with built in w/c setup. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16811133024 $280.00


PSU- PCPower&Cooling 750 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817703009 $170.00


CPU- Waiting on Intel patiently..will def. be a quad-core so either a penryn or a Q6600


Mobo- DFI Blood Iron P35-T2RL http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813136038 $108.00


Ram- OCZ Gold 2x2gb ddr2 800 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820227199 $109.00


Vid Card- MSI 8800GTS 512MB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814127314 $385.00


Hard Drives- (1) WD Raptor 74gb http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822136033 $150.00

(2) WD 500gb Raid 0 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822136073 $100.00 each


well guys there ya have it. those are the basics. I dont plan on ordering anything for a couple weeks so I have time to get feedback and keep my eyes open to other options that may arise. Let me know what ya think.



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Looks alright... I'm sure people will be able to reccommend better ram, and a Raptor may not be needed... the Blood Iron is good ;)


I wouldn't get that cae though it's really freaking ugly and the W/C will be pants.

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I wouldn't get that cae though it's really freaking ugly and the W/C will be pants.



I'm odd...I think it is a sharp case, but agree about the water... assuming "will be pants" means it will pretty much suck! ;)




Darn kids and their lingo!

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I agree on the Kandalf. It's a lot of money for a kinda ugly case and a very junky water system. Just get an Armor case and a true water system. Also, why put the two 500's in Raid-0? Whenever I see people running Raid-0 on large-scale storage, I have to wonder if they know that it doubles the chances of data loss. I can't imagine the speed is really necessary for that application. If you're looking for one giant storage space, why not just run JBOD?

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Well I'm thinking about just using my cosmos and putting a w/c setup in it and using the money I would have spent on the case on my processor. There prob is a little better ram out there but I wanted to go 2x2gb so if for some odd reason I ever decided to bump it up to 4x2gb I'd only need a couple more sticks. Does anyone know when we can expect the penryn's??? I was under the impression putting two drives in Raid 0 was faster then running them separately because you have the advantage of using both drive's cache as opposed to one BUT I really dont know anything about Raid or JBOD so I'm up for a quick lesson on hard drives.

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Does anyone know when we can expect the penryn's???

The release date was changed from "Jan 01" to "Q1 01". So it's safe to assume it won't be January, but more likely February or March.

I was under the impression putting two drives in Raid 0 was faster then running them separately because you have the advantage of using both drive's cache as opposed to one BUT I really dont know anything about Raid or JBOD so I'm up for a quick lesson on hard drives.

You should check out the OCC Raid Guide. A lot of people think that RAID is just some magic that makes drives faster, but alas, RAID-0 provides increased speed at the higher risk of data loss. Most people use a RAID-0 set for OS and game installs, so data loss is pretty much a non-issue (since that stuff is all replaceable), but when you use it for 1TB of storage, I would assume that's stuff you want to be a bit more careful with. Some people decide the risk is still low enough and do it anyways. You may be the same, but it certainly won't hurt to understand the choices before you make yours.

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I agree with all others, do not get a Thermaltake WCing system!


If I were you, I'd not allocate more money towards the processor, but use those 280$ to buy a decent watercooling system, and not some junk. Good stuff is expensive, you get what you pay for.


RAID-0 on 2x500GB = 1TB usage, but if one drive fails, 1TB = gone! The whole of it. You don't want to do that.


[Edit] RAID-0 is faster, but don't run that with 2x 500GBs! If they're for storage anyways (Raptor = OS drive methinks), then there's no point putting them in RAID-0, as the gain is marginal at best.

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yeah i think im just going to use my cosmos case and get a w/c setup for it. perhaps 2x250gb in Raid 0 would be best and use the money for the raptor on a single 500gb just as a backup drive???

It seems like you're not really thinking about what these drives will be doing. You should really think about that before you just go buying drives all willy-nilly and RAIDing them :P


You're buying a raptor, right? Well that's where your OS and game installs go. That's your speed drive right there. So now that we know that, what do you plan to put on the 2x500 drives? Generally, once people have OS and games out of the way, the rest is for what I call "long term storage". That's MP3s, videos, game saves, backups, documents, application installers, etc. None of this stuff will benefit from the speed of RAID-0. It's not demanding on a hard drive to play videos or music in real-time. So what's the point in making the disks faster? I mean sure, faster is always better on it's own, but when the speed comes at a price, and you don't need the speed.... why pay the price?

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