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Cooling Help

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I just purchased an AMD X2 6400+ Black Edition CPU, put it in with a Blue ORB fan. I have a full tower case, on the floor of my basement. With 4GB mem, 2 EVGA 7950 KO vid cards running in SLI, 1GB network and an Audigy 2 sound card. Running XP pro.


When I ran UT2004 the temp got up to 68 degrees C. When I opened the side of the case the temp dropped into low fifties. I then replaced the BLUE ORB with a ZALMAN CNPS 9700 LED (hate the blue light), that got me down to 65 degrees C. during load. I then added an EXTRA 80mm fan to the top rear of my case above the PS. This seems to keep me at 63 to 64 during load.


I still think this is too hot but don't know what else to do. I don't want to run with my case open, but what happens during a hot summer day?


BTW, I tried MBM5 and it did not seem to see my CPU so I tried Speed fan and the Ausus Probe.

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do you have air going in on the front of the case? what thermal paste are you using?



If you mean do I have a fan in front forcing air in, no. As far as thermal Paste...I was using Arctic Silver...but when I changed processors I used the stuff that came with the Zalmans cooler. According to the reviews it was supposed to be pretty good.

Edited by searcher61

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Have a picture of your case or the location? That just seems really hot for the CPU and that cooler which makes me think there is minimal air movement in your case or a hot spot where the pc is sitting at.

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Have a picture of your case or the location? That just seems really hot for the CPU and that cooler which makes me think there is minimal air movement in your case or a hot spot where the pc is sitting at.


Here is my case....Full Tower. Very Full. 650w Power supply. I HATE LEDs in my computer.



Edited by searcher61

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Cable management would help with airflow, you have a lot of cables surrounding the CPU fan will will decrease airflow and raise temps..


You should really add an intake fan or 2 of them if you can. Your pretty much just blowing around hot air in the case which is why the temps go down when the side is off because it allows fresh cool air to come into the computer....


Thats a huge problem with SLI video cards, they produce a lot of heat and if you don't have any cool air coming into the computer your just blowing around hot air.

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Here is my case....Full Tower. Very Full. 650w Power supply. I HATE LEDs in my computer.


I did do some cable management after I took the pictures.... I noticed that when I looked at them. However, my case does not have intake fan. I can buy a 120mm fan from Bestbuy and try to attach it to the front... but I am just wondering if I would not be better with a new case.


I think I agree about the vid cards in SLI, they do produce a lot of heat. I had an X2 5200+ before I replaced it with the 6400+ but never checked the temp.

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Yes you could buy a 120 mm fan from bestbuy and attach it.

Is there a place to mount a fan on your case in the front unless you might have to mod your case.


and yes SLI rigs produce more heat....

Think about it you normally have one video card running 50 C then you add another running at the same temp.

This raises the air temps

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Yes you could buy a 120 mm fan from bestbuy and attach it.

Is there a place to mount a fan on your case in the front unless you might have to mod your case.


and yes SLI rigs produce more heat....

Think about it you normally have one video card running 50 C then you add another running at the same temp.

This raises the air temps


I think I may get this case....seems like it would move all the air I would need.


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Yes the 900 would definitely improve your airflow and its pretty cheap. I think fresh air getting into your current case is the issue like Shadow said.

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Cable management!


Well, I fixed it. Bought a Thermaltake Kandalf LCS Case, has built in liquid cooling. Weights a ton, even though it is all aluminum....works and looks great. Best part my cpu temp hovers between 42 idle and 47 full load....so far. :thumbs-up:

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