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new pc cooling options

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i am looking into building a new pc within the next month or so.


i currently have a thermalright XP-90C with a vantec tornado 92mm fan attached. i know i would need to buy the 775 retention module for this Heatsink


I was looking to invest in an intel core2 quad6600


also like the x38 board from asus, maximus formula in either guise. also already have a crossfire setup atm so would take my 2 x1900s.


my other thoughts in CPU coolers are.


the thermalright HR-01 plus with the fan ducting. possibly with a 2nd fan istalled in a push pull comfiguration.


open to try other maunfacturers aswell


i have no interest in watercooling at the moment.


any help on choices would be greatful recieved.



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does thermalright make any heatsinks that don't need to be lapped?


Thermalright heatsinks don't "need" to be lapped. As far as I can tell you only gain about 1-2 degrees difference by lapping so it is not needed by far.

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Thermalright Ultra-210 Extreme ;)



Go for the Thermalright IFX-14 :D

The IFX is neat in theory, but in testing it usually didn't beat the Ultra-120 Extreme. It's all form, no function :)

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