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Crysis performance


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you guys totally crack me up.


The question is: what app will correctly tell me the temps/clock speeds of my card (Yes gpuz gives me some info) ; and perhaps **let me o/c itbased on king's info, I have updated my drivers recently.


** Reva tuner and other apps have given me driver errors, I suppose that is the price of being an early(or somewhat early) adopter. Yes I can go back to XP pro but frankly the thought of doing that is painful.


Should I try my 7900 GT?


9539 in 3dmark 06

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i was just playing crysis on ultra high with the dx10 xp hack and its unplayable unless you turn down the sharders. it looks just a little better on everything with the only big difference is ultra high sharder is HDR lighting. i cant see anything else that changed. 1440x900 is playable but HDR isnt even at 800x600

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Running Crysis on the system in my sig I can run everything maxxed out (on XP) on 1680 by 1050 fine - it only slows down if I go up to 8x AA. I have not yet tried the Ultra High hack for XP but I'd imagine I would see some slow-down. I'm curious how it would do on Ultra High with two of the 8800 GTS G92 in SLI - hopefully I'll get my 2nd card in a few months.

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