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Crysis performance


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Yes the Crysis Demo. Yes the one in my sig. It wasn't a hard crash. More of a prolonged freeze. There could be a stability issue in play here. I'll mess with it more later. I got stuff to do.


I was getting about 15 FPS according to fraps.


The intro video was ace.

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Maybe the 2900Pro needs the fix, but I have never had any problems with my 2900XT (about 30 fps @ 1680x1050 @ everything high except for textures, shaders and post-processing).


What timings and what speed is your RAM running at? Just a random question... 15fps with a 2900Pro seems really low!

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I installed it./ No effect. The game is playable. Before switching from windowed mode to full screen I noticed that core 4 had 75% usage and the others where idle. I have the afferently for crysis set to all four cores.


Should I just blame vista?


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