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Motherboard Chocies Intel or AMD

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First off im new to these forums but this seems like an awesome community so ill be around for a while.


ok heres the break down. Im stuck with a decision to either go with amd or intel. this is obviously a gaming build but also some what to the media design on the side


Intel Build



CPU - Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4ghz

Ram - 2 gigs Crucial Ballistix ddr2 800

GPU - eVGA 8800GTX - Already have

PSU - Antec 600w sli cert - Already Have

Mobo - Cant Decide



AMD Build



CPU - AM2 6400+ 3.2 ghz - I see amd also has there quad cores out "Phenom" but dotn know how they run

Ram - 2 gigs Crucial Ballistix ddr2 800

GPU - eVGA 8800GTX - Already have

PSU - Antec 600w sli cert - Already Have

Mobo - Cant Decide


As u can see im stuck inbetween 2 differnt builds Just needing to know which one would be better to go for and which mobo should i choose.

Im gearing more towards the intel build just to let you know

any and all help would be nice

Edited by PanCake404

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Intel all the way. They're the better chips right now, hands down.


For motherboards, I would look at something like the Gigabyte P35-DS3R or Abit IP-35 to pair that Q6600 up with.


thanks for the reply and btw im not really on to much of a budget for the mobo id say at the highest would be like 200

in that case i would like to know that it has a decent performance increase

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maybe he means that he wants a mobo under 200 that gives a good performance

Quite possibly. With the way he worded it, it's hard to figure out what he's really trying to say.


Either way, I'd hope that it wouldn't be necessary to point out that you want a motherboard with good performance. It's pretty rare that we get someone who comes in and says they want a board with poor performance :P


I already recommended two very popular boards, and I'll also add the eVGA 680i LT SLI, which is at a very good price right now after rebates, and will also leave you with the option to run SLI in the future.

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well i went looking for a mobo think i might have found one.. id like to see some of your opinions on it

its the

Asus p5n32-e SLi plus - http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?...N82E16813131153

or the

XFX 680i LT SLi - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...&CatId=2541

was looking for the 680i chipset but from what i was hearing there not that great and they are alittle to pricey.


now theres still a chance that i might not go sli cause i thought i would do it with my current build and i didnt

Edited by PanCake404

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If you are going with Q6600 (i just got all my parts for Q6600 comp, just waiting for fans), go with the GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS4 Rev. 2.0. I was advised on this forum to use this with Quad core, as DS3 is good for Duo (something to do with power).


GL and have fun!

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I had just come across the

"EVGA nForce 680i SLI"

I see that alot of gamers out there are using this board, seems to be good reviews about it. the only thing i cant find is were to purchase it. evga has lets ur purchase it form there site but its on back order. Newegg nor Tigerdirect sell this board. Im not really sure about other websites just because there return policy.

I also see that there are 2 different reasonable priced version of this board the "T1" and the "A1"


might anyone have any feedback on this

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If your going with a Quad core get a MB that has the ESP 12 plug P35 DS4, the DS3R has a horrible vdroop with quads. The GA P35C DS3R may be better than the DS3R as it has the ESP 12 plug, but I know the DS4 is decent. For SLI you need to get a 780i if you going quad...

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