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northbridge temps?


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is there a way to find out your nb temps?? because doesnt the nb have some effect on your stable oc's?? just wanna know because I just put on my new nb chipset cooler (was alot of work and modding due to limited space) so I wanted to check how cool it stays.

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Especially since Asus makes the chip sets on motherboards king :P


Honestly, the inferiority of software temps are way to exaggerated. They are located in the chip, and you'd be lucky to even get your own temperature sensor close enough to it otherwise you'll always read lower temps than what the core of the chip actually is. I tried my own temperature sensor and it always read low, whether it was on the HS, close to the chip, or even sandwiched between the HS and chip. If the software readings are wrong, you'll definitely know it by just looking at it.


If you're referring about the board in your sig, Google "asus pc probe."

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yep..there is...use an external probe....


I have NEVER trusted software temps...they are based on a .02 cent diode......

So is your external probe, you just paid a lot more for it. :P


Speedfan FTW


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