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UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech


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I don't think he should have gotten tasered, but you really didn't get a picture of what he was doing while the police were holding him down. If he were fighting back or resisting then ya tase the hell out of him just for the fun of it.

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He was asked to put his hands behind his back which it didn't do. Resisting arrests means you are going to get hurt plain and simple next time shut up and do what you are told and you won't get tazed pretty simple concept. <_>

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Lol that was pretty intense, made Kerry look like an idiot too lol. Must have been embarrassing for everyone that was there including Kerry, to be honest I dont know why they stopped him, he was just asking questions. He wasn't insane or anything lol.

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"I didn't do anything. Don't taser me bro, don't taser me. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Actually John Kerry was pretty calm about it. In his mind he was like, yea tase him. Keep tasing him. I'll act like I'm answering his questions while you taser him.

In online gaming we call that "Dodge."

Edited by Krazyxazn

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I thought they were only alowed to taser people when the officer is pysically threatend.

If the suspect is being a threat to the officer, himself, or bystanders, he will be subdued as quickly and as humanely as possible. He continued to resist arrest and struggle against the officers. They went on the side of safety and tased him in order to force him to stop resisting.


I loved the "Police brutality!" comments :lol:. The wellbeing of the officer and the public come first, and will be preserved by all means necessary. Now where's Radeon?

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