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Internet Time


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This has been going on for awhile, when I try to update (on any of my computers) I get errors.

- An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com. The time sample was rejected because: The peer's stratum is less then the host's stratum.


- An error occurred while windows was synchronizing with time.windows.com


It works fine on vista (at least I haven't had a problem) but on XP it's a totally different story.

I tried to search for it but couldn't find anything on it.

Also I tried to use time.nist.gov and it keeps saying an error occurred while windows was synchronizing.


By the way, I'm using XP Pro SP2


Does anybody know why this is doing this?




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it's probably because the date is wrong... try making the date and time at least within the same day (or hour), not like a week off lol


from the help section of clicking on that blue writing:

The time shown on your computer is too different from the current time on the Internet time server. Internet time servers might not synchronize your clock if your computer's time is off by more than 15 hours. To synchronize the time properly, ensure that the date and time settings are set close to your current time in the Date and Time Properties in Control Panel.

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this has been driving me crazy for the past 2 months...there is a MS hot fix for the change in DST (if you use it), but easiest thing to do is open date and time properties, internet time tab and type time-a.nist.gov in the server box.

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I've tried synching the time on a number of computers at work, but none of them seem to work with any of the time servers. This is 5-10 computers from different customers, shop PCs, and some new ones that refused to synch the time on any of the servers (half-a-dozen or so), even after I manually set it correctly. Bug in Windows maybe?


EDIT: Just tried my PC on three different time servers and I get the same error :rolleyes:

Edited by Bleeble

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this has been driving me crazy for the past 2 months...there is a MS hot fix for the change in DST (if you use it), but easiest thing to do is open date and time properties, internet time tab and type time-a.nist.gov in the server box.


Thanks Cygnus, that worked.


Never used the windows one...


I use Atom Time 98




I'll try that also.


Thanks everyone for the help :thumbs-up:

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