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lol @ silly anti-abortionists


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lol, having kids is as bad as doing drugs. Both completely destroy your life and stay with you after the deed is done slowly draining away your life and money. Don't believe me? Try sharing a room with a new-born. Have fun trying to sleep.


They also did try making alcohol illegal. It was a little thing called the prohibition. You know, Al Capone and all that jazz.


I totally believe you. I have to deal with kids on a regular basis and I think they're monsters. And I see how exhausted and annoyed their parents are. No way I'm getting one of those.


As for Prohibition, look how that turned out. Making it illegal didn't make it go away, and the same thing will happen with abortions. If it is morally wrong to have abortions, it's just as reprehensible to expose women to the horrible conditions of illegal abortions.


Plus, I don't see why anti-abortionists have such a problem, it's not as though abortion is being FORCED on them. The current law appeases both sides by allowing for a choice. Anti-abortionists just need to shut their pie holes and leave things alone instead of imposing their beliefs on others. This is a secular country, stop trying to make it a Christian one. <_<

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I totally believe you. I have to deal with kids on a regular basis and I think they're monsters. And I see how exhausted and annoyed their parents are. No way I'm getting one of those.


As for Prohibition, look how that turned out. Making it illegal didn't make it go away, and the same thing will happen with abortions. If it is morally wrong to have abortions, it's just as reprehensible to expose women to the horrible conditions of illegal abortions.


Plus, I don't see why anti-abortionists have such a problem, it's not as though abortion is being FORCED on them. The current law appeases both sides by allowing for a choice. Anti-abortionists just need to shut their pie holes and leave things alone instead of imposing their beliefs on others. This is a secular country, stop trying to make it a Christian one. <_<

lol, you make it sound like you can just go out and buy kids. :lol: Well I suppose you could but the legality of it is in question...


People are always looking for something to poke and prod. Right now abortion is the bee hive and their protests are the stick. I'm sure you know what an idiot would do with those two things at hand. It will blow up in their faces soon enough but until then just let them continue making fools of themselves like in that video.

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But it's not her body, its another human being growing inside of her. There are so many woman out there that are having abortions just because they can't keep their legs closed.

It's her body till the baby is born. Hell, the baby isn't even conscious till roughly 4 months in anyway.


It's not your choice, it's theirs. What they choose to do with the blastocyst/embryo/fetus in their bodies is purely up to them and you've got no right to tell them what they can and can't do with it.

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I totally believe you. I have to deal with kids on a regular basis and I think they're monsters. And I see how exhausted and annoyed their parents are. No way I'm getting one of those.

:withstupid: Kids are fine as long as you can give them back to their parents when you're sick of them. :lol:

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Ah Kash, it's so easy... but nevermind that.


Waco, so are you saying that we can kill them before they turn four months old?


Four months into the gestation period, not four months after birth (which is currently allowable by law, in case you didn't know)


And come on, I'm a big boy, I can take whatever silly "arguments" you may have



Oh, and I can't believe I missed the whole "can't keep their legs closed" argument. Sometimes condoms can break or sometimes you can forget to take a pill (you try taking a pill at the exact same time day in and day out and then tell me it's not that hard). Now, these sort of cases wouldn't fall into the silly "rape only" category. Yet under a more restrictive system these relatively responsible adults will have to either carry the child and ruin their lives or resort to an illegal abortion and run the risk of death. Wow, sounds like a great plan to me

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I've nothing against what's currently legal. I do believe that in the case of it being in the best of interest for a mother, then abortion should be considered. I am however against aborting a baby just a few months before birth, which fortunately was outlawed.

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It was never legal to abort in the second or third trimester except in cases where the mother's life is in danger.


Now if you're talking about partial-birth abortions, that's something else.

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i, personally dont like the idea of abortions.

i however, will not go about telling who, what they can do with their body

the way the law is in the books now, i think is the best its going to get really. its just that, some people will get abortions because they like the carefree . without consequence. i understand that condom breaks do occur, and that the pill, isnt always easy to get to work either. in those circumstances, i still dont like it, but im still not about to go and protest.

however, there is a girl in my school, who brags about the amount of abortions she has had. i think she views it as a trophy to either her fertility or the fact that she will open up to just about anyone. now, i sure hope that her number is a total lie or largely exaggerated, and in her case, i would recommend that she be barred from having any more abortions simply because its destroying her body to the point where she cant have kids in the future, not to mention, its a testament to the fact that she rarely, if ever, uses contraception that will prevent STD's.

i can only imagine how many poor fools shes infected.

making it totally illegal will just create in increase in deaths from back ally abortions.

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Any video that is going to take a side will always show the other side as extremely unreasonable and irrational. It took a bunch of idiots out protesting, "sheep" as someone said earlier, and asked them a logical question they weren't prepared to answer, none thought ahead. I have many personal thoughts and beliefs on society today, some are defined, reasonable stances, but some, and I'll be the first to admit, seem very illogical, possibly stupid, and I work on defining and classifying those beliefs, developing rational arguments to back myself up, I quit on Christianity out of bitterness, but now I am no longer bitter, I have logically looked at it and have decided the facts are not in a deity's favor. It was hard breaking away from something that defined my life for so long, but it was as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Now I decide where I stand morally on issues like this on my own, without feeling obligated to choose based on a two thousand year book.


I think abortion is OK within reason. It shouldn't be abused, but it shouldn't be illegal either. 1st trimester for choice abortions is fine, and 2nd and 3rd are great for medical reasons. Adoption is also a valid option, but unfortuantly, people get so "goo-goo eyed" at their baby when its born, any thought of giving it away becomes nonexistent. The option must be made clear to single women, and CPS should be involved in making sure the mother is capable to raise a child in whatever condition she is living/working in. She must be financially stable, etc. or the baby can be adopted to a family unable to have children, or something. This way, the kid wins, the mother is going to be thrust into poverty because she now feeds two mouths, or be shamed for having kid(s) at such a young age.


Totally irrational when I look back, but I'll figure something out and justify it to myself, after all, I'm the only judge that relay counts when judging myself online :)

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