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Dream Job


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well, being a WRC/F1 driver is going to take CONSTANT WORK to be the best at it or you will loose your ride with that team. even if your rich enough to own your own team, its no fun loosing cause you suck. to stay good you will be testing alot and gone from home alot.

Exactly! Away from home (I have no real home any more lol, the job doesn't permit it!), having a LOT of fun and constantly striving to improve on yourself and your times ;) Yes please!

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With my current path, I'm looking at doing either a 2 or 4 year stint once I graduate, all depending on how long I am able to put up with the red tape. After that, I can further pursue my accounting career and at some point in time get into the CIA, using my military background as well as my in-demand accounting experience to do so :D

thankfully no :lol:

That would be the way into the FBI for sure. Probably the CIA as well.


I have my dream job I get to fix things all day long without "The Man" looking over my shoulder. Plenty of independence and a company ride.

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FIghter Pilot

billionaire tycoon (aka Bruce Wayne)

Solid Snake (fighting rogue villains who want the world to themselves)



A Stable, intresting, cutting edge, higly paid, with no boss, engineering job

College Professor /tutor/essayist

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Dream job...well, I wouldn't mind getting paid to sleep. Then when people ask me what I do for a living I can be like "Oh man, I have a dream job." "Awesome, what job is it?" "Just what I said, a dream job!"


*grin* Good times. =) And I'd usually be up for putting in overtime too!

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