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I need to upgrade my video card to one of these workhorses, I'm thinking that I'm going to get a 8800 (big upgrade from a ATI 9200)


The problem is that my motherboard will not be able to support a PCI 16x, so I need a new motherboard...what socket is going to be one that is going to last longer for AMD, the 939 or the AM2?


Currently I have a 939 3500+ clawhammer 120nm tech and single core...


Basically what I am asking is should I upgrade cpu along with the mobo? If so, should I go AM2 or stick with 939? Also can I get a few suggestions of boards that I should get that would support the 8800 and would be good overclockers :)


Also Im thinking about going with some sort of liquid cooling soloution, any suggestions there?


If this post is in the wrong section, sorry and please move it :)


thanks everyone

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That's a LOT of questions in one post. I think this fits best in General Hardware...


As for the 939/AM2 question: You asked this same question a while ago, and that post kind of answers this question. You said it yourself, 939 is dying. If you don't believe it, just go search for 939 boards at newegg. There's not nearly the selection there used to be. Most importantly though, almost ALL of the decent quality/OC boards are gone. For that reason, I don't think I'd build another 939 setup.


So as for recommended boards, well that will depend on your budget. You're not just looking at a new board here. Now you're talking about a new video card that's going to need a new board, which in-turn will need a new chip and new ram. At that point you may need a new PSU too. So really you're looking at a whole new system. So the question is: What's your budget?


Also, as far as water goes, I'd probably reconsider. Water is great if you plan to push voltages to the very highest and squeeze every last drop of performance, but for the most part current air solutions can run pretty close to water for a fraction of the price. For a water system that's actually worth building, you're going to be in at least $200. You can shave that down if you go with DIY stuff, but not a whole lot. And even a $200 water setup doesn't really outperform something like the $60 Tuniq Tower by that much. For the average (non-super-harcore) user, it will probably not even be noticable. I know that if I didn't already have all these water parts at my disposal, my next build would definitely be on air.

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my budget would probably be around 700-800 USD and since there is not much of a difference between air and water, i would probably just stick with air...


Intel chips are not at the top of my list only because I have never owned an Intel chip


As far as me needing a whole new setup i will probably do that, everything except the drives and basic pci cards...


I will be needing a new mobo, cpu, ram, psu, vid card, hdd...


Any suggestions for this setup would be very helpful...


What I will be keeping for this new rig will be a SB Live! sound card (unless onboard is better) 2 USB 1.1 port card (If needed for mouse/kb) 2 DVD+RW IDE drives and a fan controller :) (not much at all)


Is the 8800 going to be a good choice for a vid card?

This is the one I found


thanks for all the help in advanced and thanks for moving to to Other Devices and Miscellaneous Hardware

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I think a 8800 series card might be overdrawing the budget a little bit. I would get a X1950Pro if I were you, and a Intel C2D with a nice mobo and 2GB of RAM.

I was thinking along the lines of a E4300 --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115013

combine that with a Gigabyte (D)S3 (965P chipset), it should overclock well --> S3 / DS3

I have been eying this G.Skill 2GB (HK I think) set for a while, they have awesome timings for the $$$! --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820231114

PSU wise, I would recommned either this Sunbeam NUUO or Hipro TOP-600W (correct me if I'm wrong, isn't Hipro a good brand?)


that leaves you with about 250$ left for a vid card and HDD, so a X1950Pro might be a reasonable choice. A little shopping around will save you another couple of bucks.


[edit] you said intel chips aren't on your list cause you never owned one, thats kind of a stupid statement. Intel pwns the heck out of AMD right now, they are relatively cheap, and what I outlined above will give you one hell of an upgrade from your rig!

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Vid Card - $160

Mobo - $93

CPU - $110

PSU - $70

HDD - $53

RAM - $90

Total - $592.77 including 3day shipping.


what do you guys think of this setup??


The main functions of this rig will be gamming as well as some little photoshop editing, surfing the internet, etc. and I will be overclocking it.


If anyone knows where I could shave a few dollars, that would be great.

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For 100$, you can get 3 times better PSUs, like Antecs/OCZs/Fortons etc. And why do you persist on going AMD? The Intel C2D's kick butt of the AMDs! And although that looks like a decent setup, for the same money you can get something much better with Intel! Keep your 160GB Maxtor and the 40GB WD, and upgrade that sometime later, or get a second Maxtor for RAID-0

Ok, lemme put it out for you (newegg prices):

8800GTS 320MB = 280$

Gigabyte 965P-S3 = 100$

E4300 = 170$ (can be found cheaper elsewhere or OEM is also cheaper)

XClio Stablepower 500W / Antec Smartpower 500W = 70$

GeIL 2GB PC2-6400 CL4-4-4-12 / G.Skill 2GBPK PC2-6400 CL4-4-4-12

= 165$


==> Grand Total of ~ 785$ and a much better rig than the AMD you outlined above

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Vid Card - $280

Mobo - $93

CPU - $110

PSU - $100

HDD - $80

RAM - $90

Total - $765.38 including 3day shipping.


what do you guys think of this setup??


The main functions of this rig will be gamming as well as some little photoshop editing, surfing the internet, etc. and I will be overclocking it.


If anyone knows where I could shave a few dollars, that would be great.


Looks ok as a system but I don't think it would OC well because it has an asus motherboard and I haven't heard good things with how they overclock often hear they have a lot of problems in that field. Also I'm not saying your ps that you picked is bad it's just that I havn't really heard anything about RAIDMAX before and it might be a good idea to get a high end one if you want to be OC like OCZ, FSP, Enermax or something with a good OC reputation.


Also with your cpu it might be a good idea to get a C2D because if you want to get a good video card like the 8800GTS and want best results out of it a 4200+ might limit that vs a C2D e6400 will help you get the most out of that card.

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take a look at my post Mojo, thats about what you should get. If you want to save $$$ / get a better mainboard or RAM or whatever, get a X1950Pro for around 170$, thats a ton better than a 7600GT, also if it says Fatal1ty on there.

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ok, if i were to go with the modified setup above in my last post but going with a C2D setup, would those parts still work? Which mobo for the C2D should I get?

He just showed you which motherboard to get. He linked the Gigabyte S3. I'd agree completely with king's build. I was going to put one together and link it, but his is so close that I'll just agree with him instead. Also, most of us here understand your loyalty to AMD, but it's time to give it up. Intel is leading the gaming market without a doubt right now, and that AM2 chip you linked is really not any better than your current chip for gaming. Besides, the 4300's are regularly hitting 3.0, and some people are getting a lot higher than that. You'll also see a big difference in stepping up to 2gb.


I also agree that you should seriously consider a 1950pro instead. The 8800 is just a bit much for the budget you're on, and it's going to bottleneck quite a bit. If you want an 8800 just for the sake of having an 8800, that's cool, but it's probably not the best way to balance out your new setup, especially if you need to trim some money out for a HDD still.

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@ king...the only reason that I was not wanting to go intel is that I have not owned one except for my P4 thats in the laptop. Is this the vid card you are suggesting?


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814102061 vid card

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813128017 mobo

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115013 cpu

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16817189014 psu

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820231087 ram

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822144415 hdd


737.78 is the grand total w/ shipping


do the C2D cool better and oc better than the amd chips?

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the C2D is ice cool and depending on which one you get, they are all pretty good at clocking.


I was going to get an A64 rig, but it made flat out NO SENSE at all. C2D is in a league of its own at present. To go the AMD route to save money would be daft seeing as you would spend more shortly attempting to upgrade once the AMD system really kicks teh bucket.

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