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New gaming pc for around $2,000

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Hi I am going to be building a new gamimg pc in the next week or so. The last time I was into online gaming was about 4 yr ago at our old house and we were on cable. We moved out into the woods 3+ years ago and was stuck with the old 56k but getting a T1 installed in one to two weeks. They just finshed up the wiring, now waiting for bellsouth/att to give them a port date.


But back to my new PC.

What would be a good setup? Always had luck with ASUS motherboards. Are they still the way to go?


Back when I was playing the games were UT and quake and such games as that.


But I am ready to get back into the gaming world and want to get some good stuff that will have me up and running with out worrying 4 months from now on big updates.


So I would like your guys input on Motherboards / ram / power supplys /

video cards (good for gaming) sound card / hard drive (was useing maxtor)

and a new monitor. Can I go with a LCD for gaming or stay with the CRT kind?


Thanks for info back and trying to stay around $ 2,000.00 mark.


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for $2k off the top of my head:


Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 / Asus Striker Extreme (if its gotta be Asus, its way overpriced though) / Intel Bad Axe 2 / DFI ICFX 3200 Lanparty

2GB G.Skill NQ (I think, like 4-4-3-8 latencies)

1 or 2 GeForce 8800GTX / ATI R600 when it comes out soon

1 or 2 150GB WD Raptors (10,000rpm)

1 or 2 nice DVD burners

850W Silverstone PSU


That should be a pretty good build. For the motherboards, the first 2 are NVIDIA SLI boards, the latter 2 are ATI CrossFire boards. I would actually wait until ATI releases the R600 card (X2800XT / XTX) because prices on the 8800 series will drop for sure. For the RAM, as I think you won't be overclocking, look for 2GB of low latency DDR2. I think there are some out there with 3-3-3-9 (Corsair Dominator, but those are MAD expensive!). For a sound card, check the OCC review of the Razor AC1 sound card, it looks real nice!

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Gigabyte GA-N680SLI-DQ6 / Asus Striker Extreme (if its gotta be Asus, its way overpriced though) / Intel Bad Axe 2 / DFI ICFX 3200 Lanparty

Um, normally I am not fond of Asus boards but my p5w DH deluxe works great and changed my view on Asus conroe boards (though no board comes close to a DFI).

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Get the Gigabyte I heard good reviews from owners. You can get a cheaper processor e4300 ($169) and it OCs to 3.0 ghz from what I heard. I would wait to check out on ATI's R600 in a few weeks or months I don't remember its launch date.


LCDs work good with gaming I own one myself. CRTs still provide the best picture color. Its based on your preference if you want a light energy effiecent monitor go with LCD. If you want a big n heavy not so power effiecent go with a CRT.


1 or 2 GeForce 8800GTX

I would just get one, getting 2 8800gtx is just overkill right now.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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My p5w2d-e premium is fairly buggy, and being on the asus forums for a while after I got that board n hearing all the other horror stories with them and other boards, I think I'd rather not get an asus board ever again.. Go DFI or Gigabyte.

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