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Digital Camera Q's

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Sup guys. I'm thinking of buying a Canon A700 or A540. I used to own a Canon S230. It was ok, but it had 3.2MP... It's just not cutting it for me. This thread is especially for people with newer Digital Cameras.


My old camera had a slow open and closing shutter. My Bro's SLR has quick shutter. What does new digital camera have now. Is it quick?

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these days any SLR camera has instant shudder speed with 6-12mp rang you wont see a difference in speed. i personal like my olympus 8mp SLR. it really works wonders and the only thing better is cannon were as nikon falls really short of anything good these days. but for cannon to be better you have to shell out an extra 200-400$ for a lens as there cameras dont come with one which is a real bumper.


pick up an olympus if you dont have the extra $$ for a cannon and its better in many ways.



a quick comparison my old nikon 3mp took 10seconds for the shudder to open, close than to save to the CF card. in a normal lit room without sunlight and my olympus, >1 second at almost 3 times the rez i think thats amazing. not only is 3mp outdated. even for at the time it was $800 for the good ones i cant resize them larger than 11x14 inchs which really sucks for larger photoshop projects i do. so go invest in a new 8 and above SLR and you'll be extremely happy. but dont get it if you think its a click pop done thing. SLR are like real film cameras that take a few seconds to adjust the settings for the correct lighting and area. yes there is a auto setting but just like any digial camera it can only do so much.

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Are you talking about shutter speed or shutter lag?


Shutter lag is aproblem with all point and shoots, the best you can do is find one with the least.


If you are taking about shutter speed, apperature and ISO effect this. ISO is sensitivity to light, the higher the ISO number the faster shutter is allowed but at the cost of noise/ grain. This becomes an even bigger problem with modern point and shoots that boast 8+ mp with tiny sensors. Aperature is the opening of the lens, the smaller the opening the higher f-stop number which allows more in focus but at the cost of a slower shutter. A larger opening; or smaller f-stop number focuses on a smaller area allowing DOF blur for the rest, this allows for higher shutter.


As for SLR lenses... for 200 dont expect a decent lens. For a good lens you are looking at the price range 800+, of course there are exceptions.


If you want to avoid shutter lag, jumping to an SLR is not the solution. SLR cameras do not suit everybody.

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You might read some reviews on the Canon S3-IS(point and shoot). Around $400. It has a image stablizer. I bought one for one of my boys. He likes it and I went off the reviews. I have a Canon Rebel XT(DSLR)and they are around $500 and it a great camera. But then you have to buy the lens.....lenses. It takes great pictures. If you want to get serious about photography, go with a DSLR. Good luck shooting.

Edited by peshewah

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