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Multiple Instances of OCCT?


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I would think doing the same thing you do with Super pi ,setup in separate folders and set the affinity for each core should do it .Or the new prime 95 that allows multiple worker threads would do it. Plus i think Stressprime 2004( Orthos) can do the same thing

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Oooh neat! I didn't know that OCCT had a new version. Last I had heard, the developer had basically given up on it, despite popular support. In fact, didn't he come here and say that? It's lost in the crash now I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure that he did.


Anyways, I'll have to give it a shot now. Hopefully some of the shortcomings have been ironed out. OCCT has some great features.

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Oooh neat! I didn't know that OCCT had a new version.


Me neither, so thanks for the heads up kingdingeling :P


Last I had heard, the developer had basically given up on it, despite popular support. In fact, didn't he come here and say that? It's lost in the crash now I'm sure, but I'm pretty sure that he did.


Not sure... I do seem to remember hearing it from someone here though!


Anyways, I'll have to give it a shot now. Hopefully some of the shortcomings have been ironed out. OCCT has some great features.


OCCT seemed to be one of the better stability tests if you ask me. Hope it continues to be developed :)

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