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Case Zapping!

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Alright well my primary case sits under the desk and i rest my leg/foot on the case, and kinda hook my foot on the back of my PC.


now i was sitting here this morning and i got a little zap in my foot, i was a little surprised so i checked and there are not shorts in any of my cables or anything, and later when i was sitting here i got 2 more small zaps, and a big one that almost made me jump out of my chair!


I am wounderng if this is a failing of my PSU (Enermax 600Watt Noisetaker) or what i should check into to get ride of this issue.

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I don't know if this is the same problem but on the (rather dated) school computers, if you touch the little covers that sit in unused PCI slots and then ground yourself on a nearby pipe you can give yourself a small shock (enough to make you jump if you arent expecting it but not painful or dangerous) And don't ask how people found this out lol because i don't know either.

Also this didnt seem to cause any problems with the computer, even after most of the class had been dared to touch it.

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maybe just a simple case of static electricity discharge perhaps? use the computer a bit and after a while touch the metal part of your desk? do you get shocked then? if not then see if you get shocked while touching the case. if you do, then you know it's the case for sure. this process of elemination at least isolates the source in some way :P

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haha i thought it was the only one that this happens to...every now and then i'll put my body ontop of my case and my head rests toward the back to adjust some cables/etc, and i've zapped my face a couple of times. i really don't know how it happens though, i tend to forget about it.

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I doubt its the PSU, as I have the same one and it doesn't just decide to do some weird stuff. It could be that you're moving around some cables a wee bit with your foot


nope i just hook my foot on the back of the case.


Is your foot near where the power cable connects to your PS?? If so....maybe its electricity jumping out from there if your foot gets a little sweaty...??? It could happen.


nope on the other side of the case i made sure not to pook power cables with my toes.


maybe just a simple case of static electricity discharge perhaps? use the computer a bit and after a while touch the metal part of your desk? do you get shocked then? if not then see if you get shocked while touching the case. if you do, then you know it's the case for sure. this process of elemination at least isolates the source in some way :P


its WAY more than a little static, its definatly 120v.... :(


Do you get shocked every time you touch the case or does it only happen every once and a while?


its kinda random, everyonce in a while


haha i thought it was the only one that this happens to...every now and then i'll put my body ontop of my case and my head rests toward the back to adjust some cables/etc, and i've zapped my face a couple of times. i really don't know how it happens though, i tend to forget about it.



i cant figure it out :( its like the grounding pin on the plug ient plugged in but it is... and i have changed the power bar i cant figure it out :(

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The weirdest thing just happened, I touched the back of my DVD player and got shocked, it WAS NOT static discharge, it was AC current flowing through my finger...

My foot was on my heat vent when I got shocked, so I moved it off the heat vent and it stopped, so it turns out it only happens when your body is grounded!

who'd a thunk? :rolleyes:


I've never had it happen before either, but then again its the first time I've used it barefoot while touching the vent...


I was like "HOLY CRAP!!! I'M GETTING ELECTROCUTED!!", then I did it again to make sure I wasn't going insane, turns out the closer your "appendage" is to the power plug the more it hurts...

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Pretty sure that is the case discharging static on to YOU. One time I had my hand in back of one of my older comps, and I was searching for a port with my had as I couldn't see back there, and my had come upon the vga port and I had it there several seconds while I was being shocked (I couldn't move it). Lol, pretty funny experience. It was plugged in and on, btw. My hand was slightly numb for a few days after.

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