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First time in the top 20!


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considering this is only 1 rig, I think thats pretty darn good. However, on the other hand it does say something about our OCC folding team. If I get into the top20 with only 1 rig, we gotta change something!


Well your @ 496 avg. 24 hours and 20th is 502 avg. 24 hours so I guess something needs to change?

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just remember, many of the "usual" top 20 are beign pounded by the long slow and low point/time ratio 2125/2124 units, my ppd went form ~ 1700 ppd to 800 ppd in just a few days of these things :-\ you just got them lined up for a nice group so we'll be seeing you drop out soon enough :)


But yeah I can see someone with the crap I have folding being in the stop 2, but the low end of the top 20's ppd is rather low...exspecially considering our member base...all these contest talks with no results can't be helping out. Heck if i was a dedicated member at antoehr forum WITH a contest atm i know I would "jump ship" and help...afterall everyone's helping the same cause, contests and competition just sweeten the deal.


I also had the secodn opty down for nearly 24hrs testing ram...so that dropped ppd back a bit too come to think of it...humm Core 2 time it seems :) maybe a cheap 4300...yeah sounds like a plan :) anyone want to buy an opty and board :) (if you're serious PM me).

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