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Dfi Street Gives Dfi The Boot.


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Basically DFI Street is no longer up and is no longer in association with DFI. This is because DFI is suspected to fire most if not all of it's US support team. Also a factor is that DFI refused to purchase advertising space or support space on DFI Street; apparently DFI was using DFI Street as a tech support board without paying for it.


I'm unsure if all of it's true, but the original thread is over @ [H]. Complete with more insight and some more information. Take a [H]ard look for yourself! :ph34r:


Credit goes to the original thread starter @ the [H].


Edit- Here's a direct link to what DFI Street now says on the index.

--Oh, and if this needs to be moved, go ahead and do so, but it doesn't really fit anywhere else.

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This is horrible news but not at all surprising. Hopefully it gets sorted out because Im very active there infact I believe Im one of the top 10 overall posters. I imagine once DFI starts to get the floods of people who used to go to the street for support they'll see the error of their ways.

Edited by caffeinejunkie

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Here's an email i got back from Frank...



Dear Customer,




Thanks for your E-mail. First of all, www.dfi-street.com is owned by Mr. Travis Hill (Angry_Game). We paid him as a contractor to support our customers on his forum for years. Recently, he posted some improper message on the forum that hurts the relationship between www.dfi-street.com and DFI. That

Edited by sdy284

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To bad its gone. Even though i quit going there i will miss not being able to find out the solution when i do have an issue. It comes down to getting tired of all the screaming and complaining by people who had no clue what they were buying and did not do the research to find any issues before they bought. Then having people Complain because there was not a ready made bios update every 2 weeks to try and resolve an annoyance. I will miss it.

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