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What Is A Good Raid 0 Settup?


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Well, I need more storage. My raptor is almost full. And I will be upgrading to Vista Ult. soon.


So, what can I get for $300? I was looking around, but I wanted to get OCC's input.


Would I be better off just getting one driver over two in RAID 0?


(My plan is to upgrade my computer, by getting a DX10 card [$700 w/cooling?], around $300 in sound [RAZER soundcard + headphones], and more storage.)

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Seagate SATA II 16MB Cache 400 GB.

Two Obviously


Also, You cant RAID 0 one Drive.

I know, at first I was going to ask about 2 drives, then I figured 1 might be cheaper than two.


I just forgot to change the topic.


I am running a DFI LanParty UT RDX200 (xfire edition mobo). All I have is a floppy with RAID 1 + 0 drivers.

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You could go for a RAID 5 setup depending on your mobo


A RAID 5 setup, if supported by his mobo, would be a whole lot slower because it would be software based (as opposed to having a hardware RAID controller) would eat up more CPU cycles and requires a minimum of 3 drives to implement. I assume he wants to go RAID 0 for the perceived speed benefits although I would personally go for just two hard drives for more storage.

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i'd get another 74GB raptor, raid-0 those, and spend the rest on a 7200 sata2 drive


i'd unrecommend making large raid-0 volumes unless you are thinking about working with high definition video or something...

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Ok, thanks. I'll do that.


I had to knock out a HDD cage to fit my PSU in this case, so I noyl have 2 more places to out HDD's, outside of drive bays.


Ok, thanks. I'll do that.


I had to knock out a HDD cage to fit my PSU in this case, so I noyl have 2 more places to out HDD's, outside of drive bays.

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I would go for nrgs suggestion with another raptor and a huge other drive. 500GB hitachi looks good, check the prices on the WD version though, it tends to be a LOT cheaper!

I also agree with what hard said about large volumes in RAID-0. Most people stay with 2 (or more) 80GB drives, I have 2x 160GB SATA2's, and its quite a noticable improvement when defragmenting/formatting/copying/backups etc pp usw. Windows also starts a little fast ;)

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I'm a big fan of your 2nd raptor and 500gb drive plan. It's just the smarter way to do it. There's nothing wrong with a huge RAID-0 space, but it just doesn't make a lot of sense. For the price most people would pay for two big drives to RAID, they can almost always get two faster small drives for RAID and still have enough for a single big storage drive.

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