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Can I Run Two Soundcards At The Same Time?


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Basically, I am considering upgrading my computer, along with a new soundcard.


Now, apparently, the RAZER soundcard is really good, so I wanted to get a deal and get the soundcard and headphones in a bundle.


Now, what I want to do is keep my X-Fi in my computer, and use it for my speakers, whilst using the RAZER card for the RAZER headphones.


(I of course wouldn't be using the headphones and speakers at the same time.)

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Ok, thanks.


Anyone have any suggestions for me against the razer bundle?


I say go for it. I only have the headphones but they're amazing even without the card. I can actually hear parts in songs that I didnt know existed and gaming with them is amazing (you can pretty much pinpoint close enemys based on footsteps alone).

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I used pricegrabber. The headphones are pretty much the same everywhere. Thenerds had the best deal/rating on the soundcard.


I still need to order, probably today.


Is it just me, or is clubit newegg with a different color scheme?

Edited by LivingGhost

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since the AC-1 does real-time Dolby encoding (AC3 and DTS), i have to ask *why* you want two soundcards? surely the AC-1 could do both?

I already have one, and I don't feel like selling it.


I think my Logitech (Logitec?) Z-5500's can do digital audio. On the "Hub" here, it has a digital coax and "optical" input.

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well, if you're getting the AC-1 for the headphones, it just seems like a bit pointless to have two soundcards...


the z-5500 have digital capability with a dolby decoder built in... the AC-1 just seems like a superior soundcard, so i think of it like having a ball-mouse and then getting an optical gaming mouse, but keeping both connected because you love the ball-mouse


or something :lol:

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I suppose I mght just be getting it for the headphones. :P


But I could do without Creative drivers on my computer. >_>


Plus, doesn't Creative's soundcards not do digital? Just analog?


How much do you think I could get for my X-Fi platinum?

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  • 2 weeks later...

im stuck in the same boat i have my Zs love it bits love the front face. but i wont the razor head set but i dont think ill get the best out of it with my Zs... and i only have one pci slot free as my gfx card covers the second slot.



i only wonted a new head set because my mic has broke on my Medusa 5.1 ProGamer Edition headset and now im kinda roped in to spending like

Edited by firky

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