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B.s.o.d / Video Lockups


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Ok, so I have been getting lockups in games like CSS and WOW for a while now, and I have tried everything Ic an think of to fix them (made a post here, too)

and I have tried 90s series drivers (think thats what they are called) and updated drivers back when it didn't work. I did not overclock my video card, and it is normal temp.


I just got a blue screen of death that says NV4_DISP.dll caused the crash, which is part of the nvidia driver im sure. Im not sure what to do, but if anyone could maybe link older drivers I could try out or any suggestions for help, I would greatly appreciate it.

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You can try Using driver Cleaner pro then reinstalling Latest GPU Driver. But, its more likely related to your OC if you have one. I Get the same errors you do, The problem was my OC was to high. So kick it down some.

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I wasn't OCing My Card either, the CPU OC is what I am referring too.


It could also be overheating, so dust the card off and maybe add a fan on it.

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add a fan what just dust it off its not like its going to run hotter after you clean it off o and if your dusting it off might has well take the heat sink off and set it with some AS5 if you have some.

I just took it out and dusted it and stuff so that shouldnt be a problem. Ill try underclocking my CPU

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I had a similar problem in cs:s it would lock up everyonce and a while with a looping sound, dont know if thats what you are experiencing (sp), and it ended up being 1) the video drivers were a little out of date and 2) the sound drivers were way out of date. Steam's website told me that it was the sound, and thats what finally solved the problem.


coppy this exactly into the url and press go, it will tell you what passes and fails by steam, it will give suggestions as to what needs to be updated etc...



you need to put an * after the work crash with no space, but occ wont let me type that in for some reason

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