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It Was A Bad Day


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My grandmother has been in an assisted living (nursing) home since around May of this year. She has been on oxygen for many, many years now (she has End-Stage Chronc Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and the entire family decided that she need care 24/7. Ever since we moved her into the apartment , her quality of life was much better. She was making friends, loved her nurses, and we even got her a cat to keep her company. This morning, my mother received a phone call from the nursing home. One of her favorite nurses found her lying on the floor without a pulse. Obviously they rushed her to the hospital, but her heart just couldn't pump hard enough. She passed very soon after being admitted. One of the few things getting the family through this is knowing that she is with my grandpa again (he passed 7 1/2 years ago).


The reason I am telling you this is because I have never been hit so hard with something like this. I was obviously very upset when my grandpa passed, but now I feel like I can at least do something about it. I have been Folding for about 1 year now, but I am making a promise right here and now. It is my solemn vow to fold as much as possible until the end of the folding project. I should (hopefully) be adding an Opteron 170 system soon, as well as 2 systems I will be building for others (one being a C2D).


What it all boils down to is this. . . It doesn't matter what team you fold for (if any team at all). JUST FOLD!!! :foldon:

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Please accept my condolences on your loss and know that you and your family are in my prayers. I know something about the sense of loss you must be experiencing and will continue to pray for you. Hang in there.

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at least she had friends, company, and that... but yeah, sorry to hear it dude...


if it's any concellation, the 170 is a potential folding monster! sometimes i get like 700 ppd from the 170 alone (oc'd of course)

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my condolences for your loss. I also know how it is to lose a loved one, and when it comes to folding, we are all on the same thing. Who knows, this may lead to preventing someone from going through the same pain some day.(i hope that didn't come out sounding insensitive, mean it in the nicest way possible):foldon:

Edited by mr._blue_sky

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