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Cool Forum Feature


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I was over at Techpowerup forums and I saw a really neat feature on their boards and I figured since ts update time that it could be done?, I know that it will most likely be incompatible (theirs are vbulletin ours are invision).

So basically its a pop-out "system specification menu"


Just a regular side profile thing

2lh9.jpg(not actually my username)

Then you click on it and the menu pops up...


I'm not sure if there is such an option to be implemented into "invision" boards, but it would be awesome if it could be done not to mention the fact that it would be easier to see someones system secs with a drop down menu...


Edited by Andrewr05

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that be great...of course they would have to fill them out for it to be useful...and people have a hard time putting their specs in their sigs...much less in their profile where there is a specific spot for them.


So while its a great idea in theory...it'd only be useful if people actually filled in their information

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We could have an "introduction to OCC" thing that is PMed or automatically popped up to new members informing them to fill that in. Granted to rules are like that and look how many people actually read that. I do think that if we implemented something like the above more people would be willing to fill in their system specs.

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Definately a cool feature! I actually think a good deal of people would fill it in. I certainly would. I think it would allow us to trim down the max amount of text in sigs too, which would remove a lot of clutter from forum pages. The real trick is whether Howard and bosco have time (or the ability) to do it. I would imagine even if they like it, it'd be a LONG ways out, just because of all the stuff they've got in the works already.

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Definately a cool feature! I actually think a good deal of people would fill it in. I certainly would. I think it would allow us to trim down the max amount of text in sigs too, which would remove a lot of clutter from forum pages. The real trick is whether Howard and bosco have time (or the ability) to do it. I would imagine even if they like it, it'd be a LONG ways out, just because of all the stuff they've got in the works already.

:withstupid: Pretty neat :)

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Would it be possible to make the system specifications part of the sign-up?


You go to sign up at this site and it asks what your system specs are (of course there would be no wrong answer for that criteria) and if you have not filled it in when you click the register button then a message pops up and asks you if you would like to go back and fill it in because it helps other forum members help you...

*pardon the run on sentence*

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:withstupid: We already have one, it's just that nobody uses it :P Having something readily readable (like the above feature) would allow people to diagnose questions that others may have much more easily (most people use their sig for this right now, but the noobs who need help don't have it filled in anywhere most of the time).

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It defently should be something that you have to do to be able to post or anything, that way even the people that are not just signing up have to do it...if you try to post with out it being done, a message should pop up like the "my assistant" popup saying "Your system specs have not yet been filled in, you must fill in this information to be able to post." and then have a link to where you are able to input this information

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