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Drawing A Car In Ms Paint..


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sorry for asking but whats a tablet and THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING IV SEEN IN MS PAINT EVER congrats to the talented.

A tablet PC is where your screen is touch sensitive, and so you can use a pen (designed for use on the moniter, and obviously doesn't have ink) to draw, and write stuff on the computer in a digital format, rather than writing/drawing on paper.

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edit: lol somebody beat me to it


technically you can still use a tablet pc for ms paint...its only point/click. for photoshop you want a wacom or equivalent as it can interpret pressure and tilt. pretty cool stuff. but for paint...a tablet pc would *technically* be just as effective.

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technically you can still use a tablet pc for ms paint...its only point/click. for photoshop you want a wacom or equivalent as it can interpret pressure and tilt. pretty cool stuff. but for paint...a tablet pc would *technically* be just as effective.

very true...


but i betcha he had a wacom tablet

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I'll stick with my KYE Systems tablet for half the cost of a Wacom, with twice the area and the same quality and features :P.


His knowledge of perspective blew me away, along with his method of color blending.


EDIT: http://www.pixelgod.net/work_06.html This guy is amazing. Also, there's one picture that's done for a mature audience in the tasteful manner, so you've been warned. If you can't handle that, don't look at his portfolio.


EDIT2: Some more samples of his work... this guy is AMAZING.





Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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well there is technically a way to cheat with some high end tablets.

tracing over a pre drawn image.

either way it still took some major league drawing skills.

:withstupid: He obviously knew where everything was going to be, so he definitely practiced and probably had a layout to work with, but still rather impressive.

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