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Overclocking Cpu

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Ok im looking to buy a new CPU but im kinda on a budget of like 225 tops thats us. i want something that has a good chance of overclocking pretty good im im using a DFI MOBO. It needs to be socket 939. O and do the dual cores oc well if so what one its pretty good thanks for all the help.

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Dual core will get you basically nowhere for games. Down the road, that will probably change, but right now you're much better off to go with a faster single core chip.


I'd say go for the 3700+ myself. It's basically the same exact chip as the Opteron 148 that I have. Later week 3700's have been clocking VERY well, and with good cooling they regularly hit 3.0ghz. For under $100, that's killer. And since I haven't really seen any other 939 chips getting much over 3ghz without crazy cooling, you really can't beat the performance. I've stuck with my 148 this long because I really haven't seen any AMD chips get much further than it can, even in the AM2 world.

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an Opteron 170 has stock speed of 10x200 and 1MB per core... i've overclocked mine ~42% from 2000 MHz to 2835 MHz...


the difference in games between my Opteron 146 @ 3070 MHz and the Opteron 170 @ 2835 MHz is imperceivable... i'd have to fraps compare games to actually notice any difference...


i switched to dual core because it basically doubles my performance for video encoding and 3D rendering... and those are things that can take a LONG time, so double the performance roughly halves the wait...

Edited by hardnrg

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what would be faster a 3700+ or the opty when it comes to oc. what does a optey 170 compare to in dual core. could someone please help me with this. thanks

The Opteron 148 is the 3700+. They're the exact same processor, just a different name for marketting purposes. Buy whichever is cheaper.


the difference in games between my Opteron 146 @ 3070 MHz and the Opteron 170 @ 2835 MHz is imperceivable... i'd have to fraps compare games to actually notice any difference...

You'll see this from pretty much anyone who's switched from single-core to dual-core. Dual-core has some great benefits, but not for gaming. The 170 is going to perform the same in games, but it's going to cost you over twice as much.

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yup, while the slightly slower overclocked speed won't really hurt your performance in games, you'd have to have some good reasons to warrant spending twice as much for a dual core cpu...


"multitasking" doesn't count lol... smp-enabled apps do

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ok so im either getting a 3700+ or a fx55 does anyone know were i can get a fx55 cheap at i know the egg had a sell but i didnt have the money then and i think its over. o and can anyone tell me of a good power supply for ocing im looking at the ocz 700 watt one.

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