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Computer Abuse, What Ticks U Off?


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People unwilling to listen to facts and refuse to stop spreading around lies.... i had too many people do that and i really wanted to slap the bahjesus out of them :angry2: <_<


and of course, the fanboys :(

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haha LMAO, my bro is a mac fan and when i first got into PC's he was like "why dont you get a mac" and i was like "because i want a pc" he replied... "MAC computers dont get viruses"


I really hate that line get a mac because they don't get viruses or crash. I'm always temped to say the only reason why people get macs instead of pcs is because there to stupid to figure out how to use virus protection unless your getting a mac because of some mac only software.


I also hate when someone touches my monitor.


Also "is your computer as good as alienware computers" hate that line.

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the things that tick me off are

1) my lill sister usin ma computer in the first place when she has her own machine (not my fault its 6years old hell its a p3

2) my sis crackin ma user password guessing it i guess

3) when she craps up my hardware such as a dvd rom and when i go ape demanding that she replaces it my parents give me . for doin it

4)peple eatin over my/ other peeps keyboards n getin . allover it

5) my sis trying to demolish my home network by installing spyware n crap on it

6)peple who ask me to fix there own computers when they have the same knollage i do hell even when they do the same friggin IT corse i do at college


just stuff like that


People who either can't spell well or don't attempt to.



My computer pet peeves are:


* People who install useless software and complain about their slow computer. (ie: 3 Different toolbars in IE, and the Creative sound driver window that slides onto the desktop)


* People who abuse USB ports (violently plug in and unplug peripherals)


* People who hold my laptop by the screen, leaving the base to dangle underneath.


* People who ask me to install software for them, then insist on reading the Terms and Agreements and ask me to "slow down" during the whole install. (I turn down 99% of the people who ask for help, nowadays).


* People who touch my monitor.

Edited by ravix

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people who say there FX5200 (or any other PCI card) is just as good as any high end card.

touch my monitor (only my son, what can I do :unsure: )

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the things that tick me off are

1) my lill sister usin ma computer in the first place when she has her own machine (not my fault its 6years old hell its a p3

2) my sis crackin ma user password guessing it i guess

3) when she craps up my hardware such as a dvd rom and when i go ape demanding that she replaces it my parents give me . for doin it

4)peple eatin over my/ other peeps keyboards n getin . allover it

5) my sis trying to demolish my home network by installing spyware n crap on it

6)peple who ask me to fix there own computers when they have the same knollage i do hell even when they do the same friggin IT corse i do at college


just stuff like that

People who either can't spell well or don't attempt to.

:withstupid: Maybe next time you can ask them to borrow "som a there mad englsh skilz" and make a trade...


the fanboys

I just remembered that guy back in highschool that was in my AP Comp. Science class that though his dual 2.4 Xeon Dell with a 9800pro was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Apparently since it had more Ghz than my A64 3000+ winchester @ 2.35 paired with a 6800 and 9800 is a higher number than 6800 his dell would stomp my PC in games. Of course this was not only from an Intel fanboy, but a DELL fanboy so what should I have expected?


My computer pet peeves are:


* People who install useless software and complain about their slow computer. (ie: 3 Different toolbars in IE, and the Creative sound driver window that slides onto the desktop)


* People who hold my laptop by the screen, leaving the base to dangle underneath.


* People who ask me to install software for them, them insist on reading the Terms and Agreements and ask me to "slow down" during the whole install. (I turn down 99% of the people who ask for help, nowadays).



As for the monitor touching thing, as long as your adding only your natural oils to the screen I wont kill you, afterall I actualy CLEAN my LCDs (with the exception of the laptop) about once a week anyway and the crts when they look like they need it (aka the dust gets thick enough that the Desktop looks gloomy :)). All this monitor touching talk reminds me that i need to visit Lo...he has that nice LCD in need of close comforting by a finger :D

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i have a few peeves also.


1. People who ask you about help with pc issues then as soon as you try and explain anything on simple terms they seem to shut off and say "i dont understand this computer stuff" at this point i feel sorry for the poor machine that they own.


2. slighty related: Ebayer sellers who cant package items for . then leave you negative cos you complained


3. Nails/fingers going anywhere near an LCD

4. People who want a gaming pc for

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I also dont like when people call a computer a CPU, the monitor touching thing really gets under my skin too. Also, whenever someone uses my computer without my permission really gets me going.



god that makes me mad, my computer is in the living room because it is the only place my desk will fit. and when friends come over they just hop on it and it really pisses me off!!!!!

Edited by activeslaps

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I'm totally on board withthe touching my monitor thing. If you are using the PC, just point with the mouse pointer!!!


I not only hate it when people refer to the tower as the CPU, but when they call it the hard drive!


I can't stand the lady at the doctor's office the other day who told me she could code anything you could ever need in a day, in any programming language you want. She also called her tower the hard drive.

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Oh yeah, it bugs the hell out of me when my dad tells everyone he meets that I'll fix their crappy 6-year-old, $300, spyware-infested dust boxes! I'm serious, he told everyone until I finally got sick of it one day and told him to stop (he got a phone call from his friend and told the guy I'd be over there that night. Nevermind the fact that I might have other plans! Nevermind the fact that I don't want to drive 20 miles there and back when I can tell the guy over the phone that he needs a new video card!). And the worst part is that most people don't even offer to pay me for wasting three hours trying to make their 800 MHz Celerons "run faster."

I went through the same exact thing with my dad, he would just offer my help to anyone.

Id come home from school or hanging out with friends and he would say "yea tomorrow at 8:00 you are going to so-and-so's and you will fix their pc" :blink:


I'm also good with audio/video, I once brought in a 32" TV, hooked up a surround sound system (7 speakers hung on walls and on stands), hooked up a dvd player, a vcr, a satellite system, a dvd recorder, and I had to program all of the remotes all for some guy my dad knew that Ive never even met...

  • When people go on to my computer without permission.
  • When people repeatedly ask me to make their friends, their parents, their sister, and them multiple copies of a cd and not offer any money.
  • When my mother eats while using the laptop and then complains why the mouse is moving slow. (then you turn the mouse over and the white Teflon pads are cover in black gunk :rolleyes: )
  • When my dad installs something onto a computer and takes 25 minutes because he reads every single word on every screen.
  • When people store discs (cd or dvd) data side down.
  • When people call the computer case anything else but a computer case...

Edited by Andrewr05

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Guest Fried_fry

I hate when:

  • People refer to the computer case (with everything in it) as the hard drive
  • People touch my monitor Like everyone else
  • When people play online poker
  • When people don't listen you when you know what is correct
  • When people get high end computer parts so they can play games better that they suck at
  • When people yell that they pwn'ed you when they get a kill on you in a game tho you have 20+ more frags then they have

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I not only hate it when people refer to the tower as the CPU, but when they call it the hard drive!
what is with that ??
I can't stand the lady at the doctor's office the other day who told me she could code anything you could ever need in a day, in any programming language you want. She also called her tower the hard drive.

id like to see her try if she cnt even name stuf right

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