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Bare exposed wire, no. Insulated wire... don't see why not... so long as there is a reasonable clearance between the motherboard tray and the motherboard (so the soldered pins on the back don't press up against the wires and go through the insulation!)

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so you are saying that it could be done but it also could be risky


I'm saying exactly what I said :) Should be fine if there's a reasonable clearance (and really there should be a pretty big clearance as you should be using stand off's!).


I've run wires behind a motherboard before and, as you can see, I am still alive, and so is the motherboard. :P

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Yeah, you'll be fine as long as you dont pack them in there so the soldering points penetrate the insulation on the wire. I've done it before also.


:withstupid: i did that when i tried running that annoying analog CD sound cable behind :( You can try it... but i don't reccomend it, the solder points might/will shread the wire

Edited by The Unforgivin

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Myself, I have pretty much always ran wires behind the mobo, on my rig and several others and I have never had a problem. The tape that bigred mentions is a very good idea and should reduce any chance of something happening.

Edited by bgnatewv2

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Always depends on how thick the wire is, if it can't fit behind the mobo with reasonable clearance, don't shove it. Watch out for 3-pin fan connectors, they might even break the solder points on the back of the mobo if you try to push them. Wires that are just too stiff, don't try it.


Basically, just use proper common sense. Don't go mad and let bad judgement break anything.

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