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Child Discipline


Should parents hit their children?  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Should parents hit their children?

    • yes
    • no

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I feel most of societys problems stem from the fact that parents refuse to hit their children, either because the want to be thier "friends", or they dont want to be arrested for abuse.


Should parents hit their children?


:Edit: If regular punishment fails


:Double Edit: By "Hit" I mean spank etc... not a punch to the gut

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who said you can teach kids all that stuff by ONLY hitting them? its stupid to think you have to hit someone to teach someone, because you DONT.

Edited by virus

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actually virus, unless your very lucky, no way your not going to have to hit your kids, most of the time when you dont hit your kids they get out of hand. Nowadays "your grounded" and "no allowance" doesnt cut it... ( atleast here in NY ). These are just my theorys...

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Not every child is the same. I think parents should first explain to the child what they did wrong and punish them with stuff like staying in their room or sitting in a corner (with no entertainment of course) and use hitting only as a last resort. I do not think it is fair to hit the child as the first line of defense. That way, the child doesn't learn what they can do to help fix the problem or what exactly they were doing wrong.

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I wasn't saying that that IS what you believe. But threre are many (on this forum) who just say "Smack 'em until they understand".


Children do not respect a parent who hits them. They fear them. Some parents prefer this Machiavellian technique, though.

Edited by martymcfly

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I have never been hit but I still listened to my mother. My sister on the otherhand doesnt listen. I feel she needs a good smack on the butt every once in a while. Trust me when I say...every other way has been tried. Sending her to her room. Taking away EVERYTHING!!! Not just some stuff...I'm talking. No good food(just 2000 calorie diet), no tv, no electronics, nothing except food, water, homework and basic clothing. It didn't work. My mom still won't pop her one on the butt.


It all depends on the child...I put yes because of my sister.

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thats the kind of kid Im talking about :withstupid:


Like every morning, at the bus stop, this kid wont get on the bus, so his mom gives him a dollar to get on the bus, thats not gona make him want to get on the bus any more, especially when she stops giving him money.

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