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Dfi Nf4 Ultra-d Bios Update

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got the rig up and running on the standard bios that came with the cd..but updating it seems to be odd as i cant find the .bin file to flash it with winflash.exe and when i follow the instructions on the website to flash it using a floppy all works well until it says press f1 to reboot the system... and it wont reocgnize key strokes from my keyboard? when i press the reset button, it reboots but still shows hte same bios?


where can i download the bin file for the latest NF4 Ultra-D bios so i can use winflash.exe?

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I'll give you one better than that.Go to DFI street and get Tmods bios cd. It contains all the bios updates for the DFI boards.


that is what i was going to say, has helped me out a lot with trying out different bios's.

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yup, it has ALL the bios's.. or at least all the ones worth flashing with... you can flash between loads of different bios's and not have to even bother with separate bios files... :D

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