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Abit Fatal1ty An8 Sli Vs Asus Premium Sli

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Hey guys another question, which one of these would be the best for me

i have a basic level of overclocking Knowledge that extends to CL timings and fsb's dont know much on voltages. I want a board that runs straight off boot with a san diago core skt 939 3700+ preferably no bios updates as i dont know how. and want good decent performance that will be good for the future.


Its a bit of a lengthy Question just a few bits of feed back would be great, Thanks Guys Big help!

Talk to you all soon




Im sure you already know but just to be sure ASUS on the left and ABit on the right. Cheers guys

Edited by SoulSeaker2004

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abit sucks for overclocking... that asus is ok... if you have a basic knowledge of oc-ing, go with the asus... if you're feeling confident, go with a dfi nf4 (-d, ultra-d, sli-d, sli-dr) it will give you more oc options in the future when you know a bit more :)

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Thanks for your ideas guys, big help i will probally go with the asus as my friend has it and it seams a dang good board, plus if anything is wrong when i first boot it will be easier to trouble shoot. if that fails i will be posting another reply on here lol. Thanks again and thanks for the offer of teh K8 Dimond. How did you guess i was from the UK lol. Anyway Talk to you all soon


Kind Regards


<_< James

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I would strongly suggest avoiding that Asus board. I've had way too many problems with way too many Asus motherboards lately. especially on the AMD side of things. and if you're worried about it not posting right out of the box and plan to use the "post reporter"... you need to realize it will ONLY work if if it's not a motherboard, cpu or power problem (since those 3 things are needed for it to work). unlike MSI's D-Bracket which will give you an HONEST assesment of the problems it may be having. I'd would strongly urge you to go MSI based on the info you've given.

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LOl ARGGHH lol so many boards lol, cheers guys erm K8 Dimmond then ? one reason i said the asus board was my mate told me what to change on boot so i thought if i did that then it might be abit easier to fault find, plus its jumper free isnt it ? ive never had an Asus Board before as havent upgraded the mobo before only graphics, mem, cpu cooler, But if you have first hand knowledge that MSI will be good for fault finding and give good performance with a good comparison i cant argue with ya and will start looking as im in the UK they just bought out a cheaper Sli board the K8 SLi-Fi i think ? although i did want something abit better than that.

Cheers guys

Still a BIG help lol


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the idea is the board can run 2 seperate PCI-express video cards, both with dual head support and get 4 monitors out of it. of course some people have modded thiers to support SLI. though I don't think it's worth it anymore since the price of the SLI version has come down so very close.

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