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Very Long Boot Time


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I am being driven nuts with the boot time my computer is giving me. Sometimes, it boots just fine. Takes between 15-20 seconds. Other times, it takes 2 minutes or more. What gives? I reloaded windows fresh and it still does it. The hard drive has passed all tests I throw at it. Any ideas? My system is in my sig.




The overclock has been taken off just in case it was that doing it. It wasn't.

Edited by GmAz

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Hmm... from my experience the longer boot times like that almost always have something to do with the hard drive/OS. Have you defragged the hard drive lately? Have you run a chkdsk on it? It may have bad clusters, or it may have a virus/spyware infection.


EDIT: Bad RAM can cause that also.

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i also have suffered form the same prob, i purchased a new hard drive and i havent had the same problem since.. i think my old hard drive may have had some bad sectors... could possibly be your problem too... or maybe just too much stuff on your drive.

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Make sure the hard drive is the first boot device (so you know it's not a bad CD/DVD/Floppy drive), when you are up and running type msconfig in the "run" box and have a look at what's automatically starting with Windows, big sinners include CD burning software and commonly Norton stuff, see what running processes you have to give you a clue, if you're unsure what it is type it into your browser first and check it out before disabling it, other than that spring for another hard drive, if you are wrong at least you can use the original as extra storage for important files.

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well to me it looks like u have alot of startup programs running that starts when windows starts. maybe it could be time for some new ram and how much ram do u exactly got rite now?

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