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Please Stay Safe During The Holidays.... Read This


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The baby powder will only work on optical detectors, just to clear that up. There are two types of smoke detectors. Some have a little "eye" that looks at how "clean" the air is, and the others actually take samples of the air quality before activating. If you try the baby powder trick, make sure you blow it out with compressed air afterwords.


The little "test" button is only to test the audible alarm and your battery. Doesn't really test the "detector" part of it.

Oh, and Kash / ijagwalaafq , none of this is "funny". There is a big difference between something bieng "funny", and something being ironic. His post showed a lack of compassion with it's wording. Nothing related to these deaths is "funny".




LOL..well i only discovered that on accident...yeah...try putting a diaper on a 1 year old doing warp 60 through the house >.> And when I said test I meant battery.....a lot of people have alarms yet...the batteries in them are dead.

Edited by CelticaFLM

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I got smoke dector in every room in the house and there all connected so when one goes off they all go off. The only odd thing is that they go off when the oven is opened just from the heat no smoke. But I think after you buy smoke dectors don't buy christmas trees there fire hazards.

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I got smoke dector in every room in the house and there all connected so when one goes off they all go off. The only odd thing is that they go off when the oven is opened just from the heat no smoke. But I think after you buy smoke dectors don't buy christmas trees there fire hazards.


OK, sorry....but that gave me a headache >.<. Anyway...you can have a christmas tree...just use your head...get an artificial one...or if you get a live one.. keep it in water and dont leave your lights on all night. Most fires are caused from people being reckless etc.

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I got smoke dector in every room in the house and there all connected so when one goes off they all go off. The only odd thing is that they go off when the oven is opened just from the heat no smoke. But I think after you buy smoke dectors don't buy christmas trees there fire hazards.


well dont be stupid and put fire, or any form of heat for that matter near the tree then. and any ways anything in ur house can catch fire and become a fire hazard, but this is the most deadliest month for fires cuz of all the candles and such so dont be a retard and leave a fire EVEN A SMALL ONE un attended, things can escelate quickly.


but have a safe and fun chrismas

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Its my family that puts up a tree not me hate christmas trees.


where the heck is ur christmas spirit? and whats so bad bout christmas trees?Santas gotta have some place to put ur presents... :P

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where the heck is ur christmas spirit? and whats so bad bout christmas trees?Santas gotta have some place to put ur presents... :P



I love christmas best time of the year just makes me neverous having a tree because I think it is a fire hazard. Doesn't matter how safe you are or how many precations you take it still can some how catch on fire and burn your hole house down thats why I don't like them.

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I'm really sorry to hear about the five. Hopefully, we'll all learn from their deaths. :(


This really hit home for me today because we had a log fall out of the fireplace when we were all upstairs. None of the downstairs smoke detecters caught it, we only discovered it when the detecter in my room went off. At that point, there was already some damage to the floor. If my detecter didn't go off, there is a good chance I'd be spending the night in a shelter tonight.


I consider myself very lucky. And you'd better believe we'll be upgrading all of our equipment in the next couple of days.


Thanks for sharing xinul, and thanks for what you do.

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I love christmas best time of the year just makes me neverous having a tree because I think it is a fire hazard. Doesn't matter how safe you are or how many precations you take it still can some how catch on fire and burn your hole house down thats why I don't like them.



If you take all the precautions then the tree wont catch on fire. Dont get a dry tree....keep it in water....make sure your lights arent worn out etc...or just get a fake tree....simple as that. Don't leave fires in your fireplace unattended....dont leave candles unattended.

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I was going to say ironic too. I'm pretty sure he doesn't find this story to be humorous in any way. No need to get worked up over a bit of semantics



Exactly what I meant, please read it all next time. I even said I feel sorry for this family, do not get mad if you don't even know what I said.

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