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The Apprentice Finale


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I'm just gonna make it quick, and then I can post more tomorrow, but going into the episode I was torn between the two. Both are outstanding (and Rebecca's hot!). I had respect for both of them. But the key word there is HAD.


I completely lost respect for Randall after watching the finale. Rebecca was nothing but complimentary to him. When Trump questioned her, she talked about her strengths without demeaning Randall. But Randall constantly bashed Rebecca. I couldn't believe it. Someone who was supposedly a trusting and nice guy completely slammed her for no good reason. It really showed that he felt threatened by her. Then at the end, when Trump asked him "if you were me, would you also hire Rebecca" he completely shut it down. Wow. I was just in complete shock that he would first stoop so low to talk crap about her, and then finish it off by preventing her from a once in a lifetime opportunity because he just wanted it to himself.


I'm also shocked that Trump didn't even comment on Randall's behavior. I felt his diminishing her compared to her clean demeanor was fairly obvious, and he's usually quick to point out things like that.


Anyways....I just had to vent that to someone. Thoughts?

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what the Apprentice is still on???? :lol:

i stopped watching it after the second season. when it started to get boaring, and repetitive. BUT i might watch the finale, and by the sounds of it you really like the Apprentice ClayMeow

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what the Apprentice is still on???? :lol:

i stopped watching it after the second season. when it started to get boaring, and repetitive. BUT i might watch the finale, and by the sounds of it you really like the Apprentice ClayMeow


heh, well I'm a tv buff in general, but yeah, it's the only reality show I've watched every season of. It's just nice to see real people in REAL situations (fear factor, survivor....those aren't real situations), and it's great when people get cutthroat. The solo interviews and boardrooms are the best parts, and sometimes the results can be rather shocking (like him firing all four people one week). Plus, there's ALWAYS at least 2-3 hotties to root for! :D:blush:

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By 1990, the effects of recession left him unable to meet loan payments. Although he shored up his businesses with additional loans and postponed interest payments, increasing debt brought Trump to business bankruptcy and the brink of personal bankruptcy. Banks and bondholders had lost hundreds of millions of dollars, but opted to restructure his debt to avoid risking losing even more in a court fight.


That is an exerpt from the entry about him on wikipedia. Looks like he only managed to get out of multi BILLION dollar debt because his exceedingly rich father died and left him his estate. Wow world's greastest financial mind there, wish I could work for him. :rolleyes:

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Trump in debt and suddenly his father dies? COINCIDENCE? i think not!! did trump realllyyy kill his father to get out of debt? find out next time on

OCCCLUB Geeks " we check in, but we dont check out "

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