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Overclocking Failed


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Well i got up and turned on my computer today, and it tells me my overclock failed. I've had it like this for a couple months so i'm a little confused. I figured after that long it would've been ok. Anyways, guess i'll crank it back up.

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I would just set it back to where it was and run some stability tests just to make sure. If it turns out fine then I wouldn't worry about it. PCs will just have moods sometimes lol.

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I would just set it back to where it was and run some stability tests just to make sure. If it turns out fine then I wouldn't worry about it. PCs will just have moods sometimes lol.


:withstupid: Did you ever run prime or other tests to make sure it was indeed completely stable? Also, by OCing you are technically wearing down the cpu more, so theoretically you could experience declines in the future, though it should be more like YEARS worth of strain, not months.

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Guest Raven65

A bios update may be in order. check to see if you have an update for your MoBo. then bring it back to what you had and run some prime or occt tests.

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