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Quick Question..


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Alright i had windoes installed on a harddrive and i need to format it to use the harddrive as more space, i tried like the old right click format deal and it whont let me cus it has windows on it. Windows gives me some BS error but i know its because it has windows on it it whont erase it. So anyway i was wondering if tehre was a program i can get to format it that whont look to see if it had an OS on it and it will just format it.


Thanks in Advance :D

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well, i dont think it will work if your running windows, and formatting the drive that its on. it would start to format the system files then crash the os, then completely crap up the hard drive. try getting something like partition pro, or partition majic, make a partition then format it.. or just go all out and do a fresh install of windows.

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(assuming it's not the active boot drive)

:withstupid: you will not be able to alter the structure of a harddrive that is the current active boot drive. No program will allow you to do that.


I'm guessing by your "errors" that it is indeed your boot drive you're trying to change. Sorry, but you'll have to reformat the old fashioned way, losing that installation of windows in the process.

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Haha, its not the harddrive im running windows on, its just a hrddrive that has windows on it, my other harddrive is what i am "running" windows on. The hadrdrive im earasing just has a copy of windows on it and i need to format it. But ya thanks i got it figured out.


Edit: well now i have it formatted. and its stupposed to be a 60 gig harddrivebut its only showing like 30 gigs or somthing. i checked the partitions and there is'nt any. just this one. so i dont get it. its supposed to be 60 gigs but its only showing like 30 gigs. and there is no other partitions or anything? can someone help me out please.

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just FDisk it like a normal human being and call it good. If your running XP I also believe delpart.exe will delete the partition as well. do it from a DOS shell.



EDIT: Glad you got it taken care of.

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Ok, but when i look at it it ses its used space is like 65 gigs, then it ses free space is like 30 gigs. and when it shows the like pie graph it shows like its empty, but its only 30 gigs of empty'ness...lol so it ses its bigger but i dont see the extra space it ses it has.

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How did you format it? With format from windows or an OS disc?



I would use a disk Wiper, then do it again if its not reading the size correctly.

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